Drill baby Drill. Produce baby Produce. The Rod Jack can handle of few tasks that are done every day in the oilfield. -troubleshooting -pumping test on shallow orphan/idle wells -unseat BHP for flush -change out polish rods, liners, stuffing box, rod rotator, and Rod bops. -oilwell suspensions If you would like to know more about the Rod Jack, please reach out. 780-402-1973 or [email protected] Rod Jack Solutions, LLC #permianbasin #bakken #bakersfield #newtech #zeroemmisions #solarpower #oilproduction #artificiallift #acidstimulation #dynos #fluidlevels #fiberglass #chemicalengineering #oilandgas #chemicalindustry #hotoil #rodpumps #gasindustry #albertaenergy #innovation #greenenergy #carbonfootprint #optimization #canadianenergy #AER #OWA #OILWELLSUSPENSIONS #CNRL #Cenovusenergy #imperialoil #ovintiv #ARC