One of Charlotte Mason’s most important principles is what she named “The Great Recognition.†Ambleside schools hold to the revolutionary idea that God is not only the foundation of all knowledge, but that the Holy Spirit is the principal educator in every subject. The ramifications of such an idea are far reaching:
"Supposing we are willing to make this great recognition, to engage ourselves to accept and invite the daily, hourly, incessant cooperation of the divine Spirit, in, to put it definitely and plainly, the schoolroom work of our children, how must we shape our own conduct to make this cooperation active, or even possible?
We are told that the Spirit is life; therefore, that which is dead, dry as dust, mere bare bones, can have no affinity with Him, can do no other than smother and deaden his vitalizing influences. A first condition of this vitalizing teaching is that all the thought we offer to our children shall be living thought; no mere dry summaries of facts will do; given the vitalizing idea, children will readily hang the mere facts upon the idea as upon a peg capable of sustaining all that it is needful to retain.
We begin by believing in the children as spiritual beings of unmeasured powers — intellectual, moral, spiritual — capable of receiving and constantly enjoying intuitions from the intimate converse of the Divine Spirit."
- Charlotte Mason, Parents and Children, 273-274.
#AmblesideSchools #CharlotteMason #LivingEducation #RenewEducation #StartLiving