RoboNation is honored to partner with General Dynamics Electric Boat to bring #SeaPerch to a new generation of emerging talent. Through generous support, students are able to gain real-world exposure to critical trade skills and career paths that will shape the future of maritime technology, defense, and global infrastructure. #WorkforceDevelopment #GeneralDynamics #ElectricBoat #GeneralDynamicsElectricBoat #GDEB #AUKUS AUKUS Forum AUKUS Jobs BlueForge Alliance Build Submarines #BFA #BuildSubmarines #MaritimeIndustrialBase #MIB Maritime Industrial Base Program
General Dynamics Electric Boat proudly sponsored the regional Sea Perch Competition at Waterford High School. Over 150 students competed across Rhode Island & Connecticut, including 4 schools that take part in Electric Boat’s Middle School Program, Boat for Explorers. Winners will get the chance to compete at the national competition in Maryland, run through RoboNation. Special thanks to the Connecticut Technology & Engineering Education Association (CTEEA), SENEDIA, Crew members of the PCU District of Columbia (SSBN-826), Crew members of the Nautilus Museum (SSN-571), The divers from the Navy Submarine Medical Research Laboratory and the Navy STEM Program of the University of Rhode Island & University of Connecticut. The combined efforts of these organizations made an amazing opportunity possible for so many students.