? STAFF SPOTLIGHT ? Our goal of accomplishing 1,000 impact projects by 2050 is made possible, in part, by our strong team of dedicated activists. Katie Horning, thanks for your hard work and dedication to cleaning up our world's rivers. ??
VP of Marketing ◆ Sustainability - Rivers are Life ◆ Leading large-scale campaigns for global clients leveraging a diverse array of marketing mediums ◆ Winning client trust with consistent delivery
The power of collective action is a real thing. For those who know me, you have had heard me say this a million times..."we are better together." That idea was in full display earlier this month when I had the opportunity to participate in two cleanup events. Spending time with Living Lands & Waters, Louisiana State University, Ijams Nature Center, Dow, and Rivers are Life cleaning up rivers in Tennessee reaffirmed the need for working together to cleanup our rivers. Over the course of a week, over 43,000+ lbs of trash was cleaned out of the Mississippi watershed. At Rivers are Life, we are on a mission of tackling 1,000 watershed impact projects by 2050. This is a huge goal, but one that is attainable through teamwork. If you are interested in learning more about what we are working on please shoot me a message. I love talking about the work we are doing!