Let's break the mold ?? ??
Haven’t been active on here much lately but you can count on me for honesty and transparency. I used to find LinkedIn so useful for finding new clients. Sadly, the amount of operators building half ass, masculine stoner lounges instead of normalized public consumption venues is astonishing but I guess not surprising. These licenses are mostly in the wrong hands. I’ve turned down way too many projects that have come my way bc: 1. Their whole team is men and claim they don’t need help but send me poor decks and plans that have barely been thought through 2. Have poor operating partners with bad reputations or don’t make sense for the project 3. Have already Built out their venue or started construction without a concept 4. Aren’t prioritizing actual revenue steams and think they can open for education and events 5. Think they can only raise a fraction of what they need and get by cutting corners. This is hospitality, yall. We’re not just selling weed. Cannabis consumers deserve better. Dispensary owners don’t know how to build experiences and sadly… it shows. Perhaps the real feat will be when hospitality operators come in and take over, pushing out the cannabis guys. As much as we wanted to prevent that at first, it might be the only way this sector of the industry actually elevates and develops into what it needs to become. One thing is for sure, the cannabis industry is failing this part of the sector once again. Ironically, As much as we love to consume, we seem to be neglecting consumption related business altogether.