Who Knew
That guiding residency candidates would teach me as much as I teach them
As the founder of Rezi Prep 360, a program dedicated to guiding aspiring pharmacy residency candidates through the intricate application process with personalized and expert mentorship
I started this journey with the belief that I had valuable knowledge and insights to offer these candidates. Naturally, I assumed this would be a one-way relationship where they would gain from my expertise.
However, I have been pleasantly surprised to discover that these talented individuals have, in turn, taught me so much and have significantly contributed to my growth both in business and within the profession.
Here are a few key lessons they've reshaped my thinking about:
1- Mentorship is a Two-Way Street:
It's not just about me imparting knowledge; it's about a mutual exchange of ideas, experiences, and learning. Many of the candidates over the years, through their unique life experiences, have taught me many valuable lessons that have helped me grow as an educator
2- Mentee Entitlement is real but so is resourcefulness:
Every year, it always happens! I have a few candidates who think I am suppose to do more than guide them. In those instances, I am happy to remind them that this is not that type of party- LOL
I have found that majority of candidates are resourceful, with fresh perspective and insight that is invigorating.
3- Goals versus purpose:
I have learned that while many can clearly state their goals, the purpose often takes time to isolate. This has been my favorite part of our journey together. Helping each candidate discover who they are through reflection and objective interrogation of their goals has led to transformative breakthroughs. I invest a lot of time here with candidates because I want them confident and clear about their why. This is our BIG differentiator!
4- Tech Savvy:
Thanks to my mentees, I've been introduced to incredible tools like Canva, Calendly, Prezi, and more, which have enhanced my workflow and productivity.
At Rezi Prep 360, my passion is helping you share your compelling story, build your confidence, and showcase your unique strengths to stand out in the competitive landscape.
And as much as I strive to guide and support you, I am equally enriched by your contributions and growth.
Thank you to all the amazing residency candidates for your hard work, dedication, and for continuously inspiring me to evolve and improve.
#PharmacyEducation #ResidencyPrep #Mentorship #ContinuousLearning #pharmacyresidencyprogram