At Rework Work, we take you from diversity awareness to implementation using a simple process that is effective and duplicatable. We can help you...
Effectively Influence and Lead:
If you had a dollar every time you heard the phrase “Move the Needle” you probably would have retired a long time ago. Except you wouldn’t. You would keep working to make a difference because you really believe you can. That’s why you put up with the lack of resources, the lack of respect and the lack of progress in your organization. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If your head is sore from hitting a brick wall, Rework Work can provide you with the tools and resources you need to increase your effectiveness in your role.
Impact Organizational Behavior
Elements of diversity & inclusion need to be embedded into the framework of your organizational culture. If you look at your mission, vision and values and can’t immediately confirm that the majority of your employees know what your mission is let alone believe in it, it will be impossible to embed diversity into a culture that your employees don’t currently by into. There’s a conversation that needs to be had and it does not need to be difficult. Starting with awareness, Rework Work focuses on helping you create commitment to a process. Our framework, brought to you via interactive presentations, facilitate dialogue, weigh the business case against the moral reasoning and discusses strategies for implementation.
Be An Employer of Choice
Is Diversity & Inclusion integrated with your talent management strategy or is D&I merely a title on an office door? There are missing pieces of the puzzle. One of those pieces is trust. Do you trust your employees to become developed enough so they can one day leave, but instead choose to stay? That’s your mandate. Create an organization that is highly sought after, where everyone feels respected, can contribute to the team and where they love coming to work.
2-10 人
Los Angeles ,California
Diversity & Inclusion Training、Recruiting、Career Development和Organizational Culture Change