Researchers like René Aquarius are doing essential work to uncover problematic articles in the literature and understand their impact on systematic reviews.
Science Magazine has covered the work of René and others in a recent article and highlighted an important topic: systematic reviews are a critical resource for researchers and the public. Unfortunately, publication fraud is threatening their credibility.
At Signals, we’ve seen these issues first hand — and what we’ve found is concerning. Systematic reviews, often well cited, appear to be entirely fabricated by bad actors, or are compromised by problematic articles in their evidence base.
Here are some examples:
We’re helping publishers understand and address integrity issues across their portfolios, including in systematic reviews. We’re also working with researchers earlier in the process to remove problematic articles from their evidence base, helping them develop robust, trustworthy reviews.
What steps are you taking to address research integrity issues in systematic reviews?
Read the article here ??