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Rescuers Radio Show

Rescuers Radio Show


Spotlighting people who are changing and saving lives in our communities.


Rescuers, with host Art Brooks, spotlights unsung heroes who are changing and saving lives on a daily basis, and who are doing it, not for praise or glory, but because their hearts are in helping others. The show has two goals: to honor and encourage those “rescuers” and the difference they are making; and to inspire others to find their own way to make this world a better place. Some days the show will introduce listeners to someone who found a unique way to solve a problem; and some days it will be a story of sacrifice or generosity; and some days it may be outright heroism. “I want to bring compelling interviews of people from all walks of life,” Art says. “I want to pass on the stories of these courageous people who are at the front lines of changing lives.” All programs can be found on the show's website at, at or on your favorite podcast host. Join the Rescuers to be inspired! Rescuers is a listener-supported program. Click here to learn more:

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  • A clay tablet dating back to 2300 B.C. written in cuneiform. A fire-damaged page from a 1611 King James Bible. A 300-year-old Hebrew Torah fragment. A leaf from a 1529 Martin Luther translation of the New Testament. A leaf from the Guttenberg Bible. LISTEN NOW:? Rare versions and pages from Bibles dating back hundreds of years were the passion of Craig Lampe when he started The Bible Museum in Goodyear, AZ. Today, his son Joel Lampe carries on the dream as the international director and senior curator of the museum, following a personal faith journey that led him far away from Christianity and back again. Joel also created a documentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls, most of which were found in minute scraps that had to be reassembled. His vivid description of the process: “On your way home today, stop by a little quick mart. Go inside and pick up three bags of potato chips. Get a bag of Ruffles, get a bag of Lays, get a tube of Pringles. Now when you get back to your kitchens, scrunch all those potato chips up, then mix them all together in a bowl. Shake the bowl up, throw the bowl up in the air then let the chips fall where they may. Now sweep up all the chips, put them back on your kitchen table, and spend the rest of the day reassembling each and every one of those potato chips back to its proper form, then make sure each potato chip is put back into its right brand bag. Multiply that problem by close to 200 times. Now you know exactly what scholarship has been faced with.” Joel’s dedication to preserving and sharing the history of the Bible will fascinate you. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes?Art Brooks #theBibleMuseum #Bible #Biblehistory

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  • The children know her as Miss Debbie, and for two hours every day after school, she has a live call-in radio show that reaches kids across the nation. LISTEN NOW:? Her listeners eagerly call in their answers to the Bible quiz question of the day to win a prize, and quote the Bible verse of the day they’ve memorized. Adults know her as Deborah Eckelbarger. Her pastor father started a Christian station in Lake Havasu, AZ in 1983 when she was just 7, and after her personal “walk in the wilderness,” Miss Debbie has been using the show as a way to teach young listeners to find life answers in the Bible. The voice of one young caller – maybe early elementary school age – comes on, and Miss Debbie announces they’re going to play a game called “Friend or Foe?” She says, “Lucifer.” Without hesitation, the voice on the other end says “Foe.” Miss Debbie says, “Saul of Tarsus.” The young caller answers, “Foe, because he’s not Paul yet.” Her passion is in teaching children how to develop a personal relationship with Christ, knowing that the lessons they learn at a young age will shape their lives for years to come. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes?Art Brooks KAMB Celebration Radio 101.5 #childrensradio #Bible

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  • He remembers delivering newspapers from the back of a truck as a kid in the ‘70s, and 50 years later, he’s still with The Arizona Informant. Cloves Campbell, Jr. continues the family legacy as the paper’s publisher, serving as a voice for the Black community in the state. The credo of the Black Press across the country is that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. As a publication, The Arizona?Informant highlights positive things that happen in our community, and the achievements and accomplishments of the Black community. While the Informant is a publication about the Black community, it is written for anyone who wants to learn about Black history and heritage in Arizona. In addition to the paper, Cloves continued another family tradition. His dad, Cloves Campbell, Sr., was Arizona’s first Black state senator. Cloves Jr. went on to serve in the state House of Representatives, and has led delegations to Africa, China, and Germany, to talk about the Black press, and create greater opportunities for Black people in those countries. Ultimately, Cloves and the Arizona Informant pledge to follow the Black Press Credo: Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes?Art Brooks cloves campbell #Blacknewspapers #Blackcommunity #phoenixnewspapers

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  • He’s written more than 70 books. He led one of the most historic churches in Chicago for 36 years. And he is respected as a speaker – on the air, in the pulpit, and around the world. LISTEN NOW:? Dr. Erwin Lutzer has touched perhaps the most lives through his writing, addressing issues and questions with books such as?“One Minute After You Die,” How to Say No to a Stubborn Habit,” “Hitler’s Cross,” “Failure: The Back Door to Success,” “Who Are You to Judge?”?and his most recent, “The Eclipse of God.”

  • The world’s first food bank. LISTEN NOW:? Those are startling words, and the story behind them is both encouraging and inspiring. Jerry Brown – who served as a sportswriter in Arizona for 25 years before joining St. Mary’s Food Bank as the organization's first director of public relations – shares that story and his own journey. St. Mary’s feeds 250,000 people EACH DAY, across 76,000 square miles in the state through partnering with more than 700 agencies. Through efficiencies and purchasing power developed through the years, they have the capability to turn a $1 donation into five meals. They partner with food pantries, homeless shelters, meal centers, domestic violence shelters, afterschool programs for at-risk child, low-income senior living centers and others. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes?Art Brooks Jerry Brown #StMarysFoodBank #hunger #foodinsecurity #foodbank

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  • Cindy DeMaio noticed one night her daughter Rachel's bedroom light was on much later than it should have been for a school night. When she opened the door, she rushed to hold Rachel just before the 17-year-old took her final breath. LISTEN NOW:? Her parents knew Rachel had been drawn into the world of drugs, and were struggling to find her the help she needed. But the cocaine she took that night was laced with carfentanil, said to be 100 times more potent than fentanyl and 10,000 times more powerful than morphine. Determined to help prevent other families suffer the loss of a child, Cindy founded Rachel’s Angels, a nonprofit with the mission of discouraging kids from experimenting with drugs through education & awareness. Her efforts have led to school presentations given by student ambassadors and awareness billboards throughout the country, using photos of teens who lost their lives to drugs. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes?Art Brooks #fenanyl #addiction

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  • Life has it challenges. Sometimes, a person can have more than what seems like their fair share. LISTEN NOW:? Some might say that about Rhonda Cagle.?She’s lived through the loss of her husband, just 18 days following his cancer diagnosis. She nearly lost her daughter. She fell in love and married again, only to come close to losing her husband to COVID. And she herself is a survivor of Stage III breast cancer. Yet despite the challenges, Rhonda has done remarkable things for the community and for education as the founder and president of Leverage Consulting Agency. She works with public school systems to help them grow, thrive, and succeed. She is a board member at the Mayo Clinic, focusing on cancer research and screening. She is a volunteer member of the Board of Contributors for?The Arizona Republic,?writing about K-12 education. She’s a loving mom to three adult children … and two rescue dogs. She encourages others to think about how their daily work and lives can be an opportunity for creating positive impact. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes Art Brooks Rhonda Cagle

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  • Arthur Mobley has been a part of the broadcasting industry for the past 50 years, and during that time he’s touched thousands of lives. LISTEN NOW:? From his time on the air, to starting the first black-owned radio station in Phoenix, a having an inventor’s mind, and creating innovative programs in advertising and management, he has left an indelible mark on local history. He’s always had a passion for sharing his experience in the industry with others, be they school-aged students or young professionals. He’s a photographer, a sculptor, and a successful entrepreneur. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes?Art Brooks Arthur Mobley #AZbroadcasting

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  • Mark Householder was a member of the University of Cincinnati football team when he attended his first Athletes in Action meeting on campus. It changed his life. LISTEN NOW:? Today, he’s president of the organization, changing other lives not just in the U.S., but around the world. Athletes in Action (AIA) is a global sports ministry, building spiritual movements through the platform of sport. Athletes experience brokenness both personally and as part of the sport culture. They also have unmatched influence in their communities and around the globe. By serving, training, and sending athletes as influencers into the world, AIA builds spiritual movements, with the goal of making sure all people get the opportunity to know someone who truly follows Jesus. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes Art Brooks Mark Householder Athletes in Action

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  • Picture a terrified lost dog, darting in and out of traffic, sleeping under brush in the desert, driven by fear to the point where it won’t allow anyone near. Its flight drive is so powerful it doesn’t even recognize its owner. LISTEN NOW:? Enter H.A.R.T.T. – the Humane Animal Rescue and Trapping Team, a volunteer-based Arizona nonprofit organization that humanely captures lost family pets, homeless dogs, and homeless cats who are severely injured.? H.A.R.T.T.'s team of more than 100 trained volunteers specializes in helping families find their lost family pets, and in humanely capturing shy and skittish dogs and injured cats who can't be rescued through traditional means.? Cheryl Naumann started the organization in 2017. A long-time animal welfare advocate whose experience including serving as president and CEO of the Arizona Humane Society, she also runs a luxury pet boarding service with her husband in North Phoenix. She puts long hours in for her “day job” as a human resources executive for a large national corporation, but finds time outside of work hours to be not only HARTT’s founder, but one of its most prolific volunteers, personally rescuing?nearly 1,000 animals since 2012. The equipment and techniques she’s developed have been so successful, Cheryl now leads humane trapping workshops twice a year and has taught the skills to more than 600 people across the U.S. and in five other countries. #rescuersradioshow #hope #rescuers #heroes?Art Brooks #lostpets #HARTT #lostdog

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