Winning at the Moment of Truth: Five Pillars of CPG Brand Leadership In the mid-2000s, A.G. Lafley (former CEO of P&G) introduced the idea of “winning at the moments of truth” – those critical points when consumers decide to buy and when they experience a product at home. As Lafley put it, “The best brands consistently win two moments of truth: - The first moment occurs at the store shelf, when a consumer decides whether to buy one brand or another. - The second occurs at home, when she uses the brand – and is delighted, or not.” In today’s retail landscape, brands face even more “moments” – from the zero moment of truth (online research before purchase) to the ultimate moment (when consumers share feedback). Over the next couple of weeks, with the help of my trusted editor [ OpenAI’s chatGPT ] I'll share my thoughts on how consumer brands can win these moments through leadership in five key areas: - Brand Strength, - Product Quality, - Retail Presence, - Social Responsibility, and - Customer Engagement. I'll examine each area with data-driven insights and case studies (as best as I can within LinkedIn's 3000 character limit), focusing on brands that sell through retail (FMCG, consumer electronics, etc.) and framed from a consumer’s perspective. The goal is an engaging narrative that reveals how smart leadership decisions shape our everyday shopping choices – and offers subtle takeaways for brand executives looking to lead in a retail-focused world. I’m looking forward to your feedback as this series rolls out!