Author/Coach/Consultant/Trainer/Speaker/Board Member- Current. Chief Security Officer/Law Enforcement Professional-Retired
When my eyes opened this morning I felt a powerful disturbance in the Force. As the cobwebs cleared, I realized that my best friend Sam Queeno, CPP?, the most passionate Star Wars fan I know, and millions of others were celebrating the Star Wars story on May the Fourth be With You Day!. When my feet hit the floor, I recognized that this May 4th was even more important than usual because Sam published his book, Do You Have A Best Friend At Work, today! If you had a chance to read my book, Leading Relentlessly, you were introduced to the AEP culture journey and the creation of Best Friend Friday. Sam's book digs deep into the reasons BFF amplified the Force at AEP and the global success of the effort seven years later. Sam tells amazing stories of Best Friends At Work (BFAW) including the journey of two AEP Best Friends that results in one literally saving the other's life. Learn how to leverage the Force in your personal and professional lives. The Force is strong in BFAW nation. Order Sam's book today and become part of the BFAW revolution!!! May the Fourth Be With You! Lead Relentlessly Stan