How are you perceived in your leadership role, and by what metrics? ?? This article examines the “seemingly trivial issues” that “stalled or even derailed” the careers of otherwise strong performers interviewing at the C-Suite level. Harvard Business Review’s analysis found that of the pain points preventing growth, 36% related to executive presence, 28% related to communication style, and 29% related to peer-level relationships. Our professional success is determined by how we show up, how we communicate, and how we connect. ?? These challenges can be “painfully costly to individuals whose careers stall for reasons unbeknownst to them and to organizations and managers unable to develop talented leaders to their full potential.” At Studio Reinvent, we want to hone your skills to empower you as a leader and foster the connections that help you achieve your goals. Whether it’s a culture shift within your team, or a personal target to advance in your career, consider STUDIO REINVENT to unlock your critical communication skills and drive transformative business outcomes. ?? Learn more at!
Sometimes careers plateau because of something totally trivial, but fixable.