


Jamaica Plain,MA 1,435 位关注者

We support education leaders designing the future of learning, now.


reDesign is a diverse team of experienced educators who provide design, coaching, and consulting services to help schools and school systems improve educational outcomes for historically underserved youth. We believe all young people can become independent, passionate learners who are prepared for college, regardless of economic circumstance, race, or family history. For us, education is fundamentally an issue of social justice. reDesign collaborates with clients on projects that push the envelope of vision and design in education: projects that are reimagining what teaching and learning can be, particularly for the most vulnerable and marginalized youth in our society. Our work is organized around three key levers of impact: strategic design, educator capacity-building, and knowledge-building. Each of these areas of work inform and impact the other, enabling us to bring tangible value to our clients through complete learning cycles of ideation, implementation, and data-guided, reflective iteration.

11-50 人
Jamaica Plain,MA
Educational Consulting、Teacher Effectiveness support、School Improvement and Turn-Around、School Design和Framework for Effective Instruction


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    209 Chestnut Ave

    Unit 2

    US,MA,Jamaica Plain,02130




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    ?? Wow, Day 3 at #AuroraSymposium24: A Day of Insight, Youth Voice, and Transformation! What an incredible lineup of thought-provoking dialogue and shared insights on shaping a more inclusive, future-focused education system. A few of the day's highlights: ??? Morning Keynote - One Good Question with Youth Leaders Our day kicked off with an inspiring keynote that put youth voices front and center. Rhonda Broussard, Founder and CEO of Beloved Community, led the session with young leaders Samarah Bently, David Ramirez, and DeAnna Fair, who asked the powerful questions we *all* need to be asking: “Will you listen?” and “How can we better connect hands-on learning outside of school?” Each question challenged us to rethink our approach to youth engagement and equity. Audience members pushed further: "Is our system evolving fast enough to meet today’s world? How can we consistently build student-centered experiences that drive true success?" The collective call for change was resounding. ?? Community-Driven Transformation: Bullitt County’s Journey In an inspiring session on community-driven transformation, leaders from Bullitt County Schools—Superintendent Dr. Jesse Bacon, with David Cook and Adrienne Usher—shared how they are redefining accountability by focusing on community expectations. As Jesse noted, “Community-based accountability is about what our community expects from us and how we’re going to deliver on that.” Their co-created Profile of a Graduate and Apprenticeship Program illustrated how real change happens when all voices—parents, industry partners, educators—are actively involved. True collaboration = real investment and impact! ? reDesign's Pop-Up Demo: CBE Catalyst Antonia Rudenstine and the reDesign team had such a great time connecting with attendees at our pop-up demo on our brand new CBE Catalyst! If you missed us, there’s still time to catch the Aurora24 discount. Visit to learn more. We’re energized by these transformative conversations and the potential they hold to reshape the future of education. Let's keep pushing forward to ensure every student has the opportunities, resources, and support they need to thrive. #Aurora24 #CompetencyBasedEducation #EducationInnovation

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    1,435 位关注者

    Hello, Aurora friends! ?? Today at #Aurora24, we’re thrilled to unveil **CBE Catalyst**—reDesign’s powerful new membership community, made for school and district teams ready to build, design, and accelerate their competency-based learning journey. If you’re at the **Aurora Institute Symposium**, swing by our pop-up demo TODAY in the exhibit hall, Monday, Nov 4, from 1-3 PM! Come experience first-hand how CBE Catalyst can give your team everything it needs to plan, design, and implement a thriving competency-based learning ecosystem. Can’t make it? Let’s find a time to connect and accelerate your roadmap for competency-based learning together. Learn more or book a conversation ?? #Aurora24 #CBE #CompetencyEd #PCBL #reDesign #LearningEcosystem #EdInnovation #FutureOfEducation

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    What an inspiring day at the Aurora Institute 2024 Symposium, and an absolutely fire keynote luncheon on "Nothing About Us Without Us: A Conversation With Young People on Learner-Centered Education." Hearing directly from students was a powerful reminder of what learner-centered education?really?means. Moderated by Carlos R. Moreno?of Big Picture Learning, we explored what happens when students become true partners in their learning. As Carlos put it, we need to be “unapologetically, relentlessly student-centered.” The students’ voices? Absolutely unforgettable: ???“Education can free us or hold us down—learner-centered education is freedom.” ???“It’s time for kids to control their own education. The choice lets us know who we are as learners.” ???“We are the future. We set the tone.” When asked what they’d tell the next U.S. president, the answer was clear:?Center us. View us as humans, not as accessories to someone else's agenda. If we’re serious about transformative change in education, the path is obvious: include students as partners, not side notes. #Aurora2024 #LearnerCentered #StudentVoice #FutureOfLearning #EducationReform #EquityInEd

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    Meet us in New Orleans!??? We're thrilled to bring our passion for reimagining K-12 education to the Aurora Institute 2024 Symposium, where innovators and educators alike gather to push the boundaries of what’s possible for student learning. This year, we’re not just talking about change—we’re building the tools, skills, and pathways to empower learners and elevate equity together. Here’s what we’re bringing to Aurora: ?**Workshop:** *A Roadmap to Future Readiness: Making reDesign’s Future9 Competencies Your Own* ?? Sunday, Nov 3* |??3:30-5 pm CST |?Room Strand 11AB A hands-on dive into the Future9 Competencies! Learn how to make these groundbreaking competencies your own as we explore strategies to transform students’ readiness for a rapidly evolving future. ?**Pop-Up Event:** *CBE Catalyst Demo* ??? Monday, Nov 4* |?1-3 pm CST |?Exhibitor Hall Join us for a live demo of our Competency-Based Education (CBE)?online learning community?and see how reDesign is making it easier for educators to implement CBE in real-time. Stop by for?fun and inspiring conversation about redesigning schools from the ground up. ?**Breakout Session:** *Launching the Next Generation of Student-Driven Performance Tasks: Committing to Engagement, Agency & Competency* ?? Tuesday, Nov 5* |?9-10 am CST |?Room Strand 2 Engagement, agency, and competency all start with student-driven performance tasks. Learn how these approaches can fuel students’ growth and readiness for any path they choose. #Aurora2024, #CBE, #CompetencyEd, #learnercentered

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    1,435 位关注者

    We are thrilled to be part of Collective Shift. It's such an honor to receive a #MoonshotGrant! We'll be using the grant to prototype ai tools that help us usher in the next horizon of learning. reDesign | Building 21 | Playlab AI | Inkwire | Incubate Learning | Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) | National Equity Project | Learner-Centered Collaborative

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    Co-Director at Next Generation Learning Challenges

    ??Exciting news! NGLC, together with our seven organizational partners in Collective Shift ( has been selected to receive a National Moonshot Grant provided by @Remake?Learning to support human-centered AI to accelerate learner-centered education! By receiving this grant, we join a wide-ranging community of change-makers imagining the future of education. It's an exciting moment for all of us. Learn more here.???

    Announcing the first-ever (Inter)National Moonshot Grants - Remake Learning

    Announcing the first-ever (Inter)National Moonshot Grants - Remake Learning

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    What could #futureready learning look like in schools? What are the ingredients at are non-negotiable for you? What do you think of the one's that reDesign's Antonia Rudenstine has framed in this piece for Getting Smart: ? A research-informed competency framework, like the #Future9; ? A reimagining of the content that young people explore: let's shift to interdisciplinary concepts that support schema development; ? A set of core thinking processes, as articulated by Sujata Bhatt ? Meaningful and relevant projects, designs, creations and products.

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    5,765 位关注者

    Did you know that 98% of 5-year-olds meet NASA’s definition of genius, but by adulthood, only 2% can still use creative imagination to solve problems? What happens to that potential? A new Getting Smart Blog by Antonia Rudenstine, Founder and Executive Director of reDesign, challenges us to rethink our school models to nurture creativity and future-ready skills. It’s time to create learning environments that inspire innovation and empower students to tackle real-world problems. Are you ready to redesign education? Start by exploring how we can cultivate lifelong learners: #GettingSmart #GettingSmartBlog #H3 #H3Learning #Education #FutureOfLearning #CreativityInEducation #LearningInnovation #EdLeadership #K12 #EdReform

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    A few words from Antonia Rudenstine on her recent trip to Dunbai.

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    KaTrina Wentzel and I just wrapped up an incredible, moving week in Dubai. We had the honor to work with a group of educators imagining a learning community of the future unlike any other we've encountered. 6 words to describe these educators: agile, creative, open, adaptive, bold, loving. I was reminded, again and again, that transforming learning with young people is fundamentally about a potent combination of mindset, love, expertise, and courage: ? The willingness to question and resist the pull towards what we've always done. ? The mindset to embrace ambiguity and the unknown. ? The courage to fight for new ways of working with young people and families. ? The humbleness to "not know." ? The commitment to lead and design with love and an open heart. ? The profound belief that new models require new expertise, new learning, new paradigms, and new frameworks...with time for the adults to take this on. While we came with the #Future9 Competencies and other #CBE tools in hand, I've never seen a team embrace, adapt, and implement such a complex approach so rapidly...ensuring it was truly their own. This city of the future is up to some incredible things. It's an honor to be a learner in this community. #futureready, #CBE, #learnercentered, #CBL, #personalizedLearning

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    We are so thrilled our founder, Antonia Rudenstine will have the opportunity to join the Student Success Network: 30 youth-serving nonprofits collaborating to imagine a future-ready definition of student success for young people in #NYC. #competencybasededucation, #CBE, #future9, #nonprofits, #measuringwhatmatters

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    ?? Haven’t registered for our Network Summit yet? Here are 3 reasons why you should join us on October 10th: ? Embrace Collaboration: Connect with nonprofit folks from 30+ youth-serving organizations across NYC. Share experiences, challenges, and best practices to strengthen your work. ? Gain Insights into Competency-Based Learning: Learn from Antonia Rudenstine of reDesign, experts in developing the Future9 competencies, and bring these ideas back to your organization. ? Get Inspired to Innovate: Be part of shaping shared language, measures, and tools for student success, and discover ways to contribute to our future initiatives! ??Together, we can better prepare our students for a rapidly changing world. ?? #Education #Nonprofit #StudentSuccess #Collaboration #CompetencyBasedLearning #NYC #FutureReady

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    Honored to have shared our vision of rethinking schools to center creativity and lifelong, future-ready learning! Getting Smart #GettingSmartBlog #K12 #FutureofLearning #EdReform

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    5,765 位关注者

    Did you know that 98% of 5-year-olds meet NASA’s definition of genius, but by adulthood, only 2% can still use creative imagination to solve problems? What happens to that potential? A new Getting Smart Blog by Antonia Rudenstine, Founder and Executive Director of reDesign, challenges us to rethink our school models to nurture creativity and future-ready skills. It’s time to create learning environments that inspire innovation and empower students to tackle real-world problems. Are you ready to redesign education? Start by exploring how we can cultivate lifelong learners: #GettingSmart #GettingSmartBlog #H3 #H3Learning #Education #FutureOfLearning #CreativityInEducation #LearningInnovation #EdLeadership #K12 #EdReform

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