“Be disciplined about treating who you know you can help. When you can't provide the right treatment, make a referral.”
How to build a great brand as a behavioral healthcare provider: Be disciplined about treating who you know you can help. When you can't provide the right treatment, make a referral. Think about this: You're dealing with a challenging behavioral health situation with a loved one. You don't know what to do. You don't have a coach, a guide, or a companion. You call a business out of the blue. They ask good questions, seem credible, and gather information. Then, instead of saying "we can help you," they say: "We're not the right fit. But we have another provider we work closely with that specializes in your problem. I want to make an introduction." How do you feel about that brand when the person you're getting help for has a positive experience? It's huge. These people took the time to understand your problem. They didn't suggest any remedy. They just listened, then said, "We can't help you. However, I'm going to connect you with the best people who can." Your brand is strengthened. Over time, that comes back to you. This is just good business. This is the way good business has always been done.