Big thanks to Rebuild Black Mountain cofounder Brent Bookwalter for bringing attention to the ongoing recovery efforts here in WNC! On The Odd Tandem Podcast with Bobby Julich and Jens Voigt, Brent takes the time to talk about his experience during Helene and highlight the importance of rebuilding and restoring the trails, which are the main reason he and his family chose to make Black Mountain + Montreat home. Give it a listen, share, and help us keep the momentum around recovery going! #RebuildBlackMountain #WNCRecovery #TrailRestoration
In a time when it feels like so much of what we do online is about promoting, connecting, angling, convincing others or convincing ourselves, it was fun to talk with Bobby Julich and Jens and mostly tell stories and walk down memory lane. Yes, dropped in a few current happenings and udpates as well. Check out The Odd Tandem Podcast wherever you get your pods or watch this episode on YouTube