Victorious from s@t@n attack me, Divine Feminine Goddess and Divine love (just as you are too), as well sending me into a fetal position of pain and sabotage being disconnected from ALL (my children and the Divine Goddess(es)). Thank the Creator your little Divine Goddess daughter is still protected in her innocence and love to help heal You - and hopefully, that child-innocence and love can help heal and restore us ladies, us Goddesses, from the vicious evil violence that we have received. Bless you! I love you. Healing energy and prayers sent to you. Thank you Claude Silver sharing this story. Very helpful in with my experience of the same day & time (?). Thank you for your leadership and dedication in life and in creation of Chief Heart Officer in business world as a model for others to consider being able to see the value and your good work! ?????? ??????????????????= 1????
I’m a daredevil at heart. I love driving fast. I love snowboarding fast. I love blasting music so loud it shakes my bones. And in my past - I loved all kinds of things that sent my adrenaline through the roof. So this past Sunday, I did what any speed-loving, adventure-chasing person would do—I rented one of those electric scooters in Santa Monica and zipped off, wind whipping through my hair, trance music pumping in my ears. No helmet. No second thoughts. Just the rush of movement and the golden-hour glow of the ocean ahead. And then—boom. My balance disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, I was airborne. Instinct kicked in, and I threw out my wrist to break the fall. Spoiler alert: my wrist broke instead. My knees? Scraped to hell. My pride? Shattered on impact. But my skull? Intact. And for that, I am so damn lucky. Somehow, through the shock and pain, I managed to drag that scooter onto the sidewalk. I stood it up. I looked up the nearest hospital and called an Uber. Five minutes later, I was at UCLA Santa Monica, cradling a wrist that was already twice its normal size. And here’s what’s been running through my mind ever since: I’ve always loved pushing the limits. But now? Now, I have people who count on me—little people, big people, a family, a team. People who need me strong. Who need me whole. Six-plus weeks of not using my dominant hand is going to be a masterclass in patience, acceptance, and the art of asking for help. For the last 48 hours, I’ve been beating myself up. How could I be so careless? How could I not think about the consequences? What was I thinking? And then—like magic—my daughter plopped down next to me, permanent marker in hand, and scribbled three words on my cast. I love you. That’s it. That’s the lesson. That’s the grace. That’s the thing that matters most. My broken wrist will heal. My knee, will, in time go back to it regular size and shape. My ego? Also fixable. But that kind of love? That kind of unshakable, unconditional, I-don’t-care-that-you-made-a-mistake love? That’s forever. And that’s what I’m holding onto. Got it! Here’s a revised set of hashtags that fit better: #LifeLessons #MomLife #ParentingWisdom #Gratitude #HealingJourney #love #leadership