ReadyNation is a preeminent business leader membership organization focused on “cradle to career” education. Our national network of more than 2,000 cross-sector business executives from around the country encourage increased public investments in evidenced-based policies and programs that build a stronger workforce and economy. Since 2006, ReadyNation members have made a bottom-line case for effective, bipartisan investments in infants, toddlers, older children and their families as the future workforce that will drive success in the global marketplace.
ReadyNation’s business leader members build awareness about the importance of education investments and contribute to policy victories at both the state and federal level, securing close to 300 earned media clips in 2020 alone and helping to win $4 billion over the last two years. ReadyNation operates as a truly unique membership platform, as there are no dues or meetings. Instead, ReadyNation serves as a free national resource that provides its members with opportunities to lend their voices through a variety of tactics fully supported by our expert staff.
ReadyNation operates under the auspices of its umbrella, charitable nonprofit, Council for a Strong America (CSA). CSA unites three major membership groups, including business leaders (ReadyNation), law enforcement leaders (Fight Crime: Invest In Kids), and military leaders (Mission: Readiness), approaching education issues from those varied perspectives. ReadyNation is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has nine state offices around the country.
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