Congratulations to Leaders of Tomorrow the youth arm of the National Black MBA Association (RDU Chapter), we celebrated our five High School graduates Tori Walker, Makali “Kai” Waswa, Serah Judd, Jordan Coulter, and Anaya Tillman! We awarded our graduates over $19,500 in scholarship funds. This included recognizing our seven graduates from last year $1,000 from the Darrell Tennie Scholarship (total $7k). Noah Colvin entertained us with his musical excellence!!! We celebrated our 15 volunteers, 27 youth, parents and our 14 presenters from our 2023-2024 year! It was amazing!’ Thank you to Dr Veronica Hardy who presented her first ever legacy scholarship to Tori Walker and Makali “Kai” Waswa, $3,000 each for a total of $6,000! Thank you to Sonya Judd who offered first housing to NCCU students on a 8-bedroom 8 bath house 1.5 miles from NCCU campus. Sonya Judd also is the financial advisor and consultant for LOT! Thank you, Barrett Slade, creator and CEO, of FinPlanly, this is an app he created to help youth understand money concepts, how they choose a career, where they choose to live (state, house, appt, etc.), what car do they want to drive, all information to make good financial decisions that will build wealth and or live comfortably. Thank you also to James Montague, Coach Rene Dougherty who are ever present for our youth!!