Check out our Founder, Raciel Castillo, on Suzan Marie Chin-Taylor's Doo Doo Divas, Smells Like Money Podcast, where they talk about carbon emissions reduction industrial applications for wastewater treatment facilities across the U.S. and the rest of the planet. #carbonemissions #emissionsreduction #industrialapplications #carboncapture #wastewatertreatment #sustainability
Founder in Direct Air Capture and Carbon Capture?? On a mission to kick climate change challenges and build a sustainable, breathable, green & happy future.
Last year I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with the very lovely, talented, intelligent, and personable Suzan Marie Chin-Taylor, who invited me on as a guest to her podcast, The Doo Doo Divas: Smells Like Money Podcast, where we discuss carbon capture for wastewater treatment facilities, transport of those smelly goods, and how industries can capitalize on #carboncredits. Check it out, and make sure to follow Suzan! She's a hoot, and we had such a laugh throughout our entire production conversation. Thank you for having me on, Suzan! I learned so much from you and I look forward to many more laughs (and very serious conversations, of course, *clears throat*) surrounding carbon emissions reductions at water treatment facilities and beyond. Big hug!! Raciel #doodoodivaspodcast #smellslikemoney #doodoodivassmellslikemoney #watertreatment #carbonemissionsreduction #industrialapplications #greenenergy #sustainability