RAR - ECO, proizvodnja kovinskih konstrukcij, d.o.o.的封面图片
RAR - ECO, proizvodnja kovinskih konstrukcij, d.o.o.

RAR - ECO, proizvodnja kovinskih konstrukcij, d.o.o.


Building your dreams


Building your dreams

2-10 人

RAR - ECO, proizvodnja kovinskih konstrukcij, d.o.o.员工


  • "Pridemo tudi na dom ..." je bila izjava v neki reklami, 1000 let nazaj. Takrat tega nisem razumel. Danes pa. Ni dolgo, kar sem prevzel vodenje podjetja RAR - ECO in ?e so tu prvi izzivi. Monta?ne hale se ne sestavljajo kar same od sebe in skladi??ni ?otori tudi ne. Kar na "kraj zlo?ina" mora?, ali "na dom", preveri? mere, vzame? podatke in ... dela?. Rad spoznavam delo iz nule, veliko sodelavcev bi potreboval a stro?ek dela ne prenese - ?e. In ko bo, koga najprej zaposliti: varilca, vodjo pisarne, konstrukterja, ... vse potrebujem in vse naenkrat, zaposli? pa lahko samo enega. Druga?en za?etek kot v Livarju, kjer sem dobil 250 du?, ki so bile bolj ali manj usklajene. Tisto so bili drugi izzivi, v RAR - ECO pa imam svoje izzive. Izredno pomembno pa je, da pri podpisu pogodbe stoji? za svojim delom z vso resnostjo in odgovornostjo. Zato smo bili danes vsi na terenu. Izredne razmere zahtevajo izredne ukrepe ?? , pa smo ?li na teren. Od direktorja do skladi??nika. Ker obljube do strank pa ne prelomimo. Da, fuc**** sne?ilo je. Da, zeblo nas je cel ljubi dan. Da, ko?o na rokah imam izsu?eno in hrapavo, da se mi zanke ?eninih najlonk takoj zataknejo med prste - pa so spet dodatni stro?ki. Pa je delo narejeno? Je. Kot smo obljubili. Telo se bo ogrelo, ko?a na rokah bo spet mehka, gladka in pro?na. Tudi sne?iti bo nehalo in na?a stranka bo dobila obljubljeno. Samo danes je bilo peklensko - a je bilo vredno! V tak?nih trenutkih se poka?e vodja. Da zmrzuje z ljudmi, da smrka in ka?lja na mrazu, da poskrbi za vro? ?aj tu in tam in za malico z ?lico - da se toplota vrne v telo. Na za?etku je pa? tako. Ko ima? aparat 200 ljudi, projektne vodje, biroje in pisarne, odgovarja vsak za svoj del projekta in na?eloma stresnih situacij ne sme biti. Dokler smo pa v rasti in smo kratki na vseh koncih in krajih - kot prekratka obleka na najstniku, bomo skupaj zmrzovali. Z nasme?kom! In vikend se lahko za?ne ??

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  • Just a year ago, I had annual personal interview with management, performed in the wrong way, on a way it’s not supposed to be done: changing dates, waiting for wright time, and finally in the end, getting a message between the lines that everything is not okay with my work and a concern, what is happening with me. But as time is running out, we'll finish it a second time, after the New Year. After the talking I knew, I had just experienced the beginning of the end of my career in this firm. The holidays sucked, of course. Because of the incomplete and half- information, I was constantly thinking about, what the owners wanted from me. Am I misunderstanding something? Oh, what agony. After the New Year, I was back on track, but something was different and we finally broke up. Fair, consensual, everything according to the rules and with a great deal of understanding for each other. After a month or two, however, I got an active job at Akrobat. What a leap, what a confidence! What ambitious plans! I was growing, my soul was filling up and my confidence was growing also. They entrusted me with the purchase of a new company, a lot of new things happened, new people, new places, ... A trip to China, to Shanghai – to learn and get to know the world. I'm running a new company as a director, assembling a team, looking for our place under the sun. Today, the Earth is in the same place as it was 365 days ago. Not much has changed for her. In my life, however, absolutely everything changed: the company, the co-workers, the way of working, the energy, the place of work, the dynamics of work, my values have become the values of my company, ... The event that threw me out of my comfort zone became a springboard for my progress. My focus is now the future: development of the company, growth, prosperity. The vision of RAR - ECO: a trusted manufacturer of steel structures, with a continuous growth in turnover of 20% per year, which professionally transforms the customer's wishes into a product. The mission of RAR - ECO: to satisfy internal and external customers, to develop technologically advanced solutions with high added value. Offer help in planning a lay out, not just making it according to plans. The strategic plan of RAR – ECO: to convince customers with a quality product, to win new market opportunities with a good marketing campaign, to impress users with attractive products. Mission: to conquer a new continent in 2025 and place the product outside Europe At RAR – ECO, we dream big! Our dreams are coming true. Let us make your dreams come true too! https://rar-eco.si/en/ Dusan Kofalt, director

  • At RAR ECO, we want to stand out. With quality, with customer support, with news and innovations. That's why we visited a country where progress is a way of life. In Shanghai, we made business contacts, got to know their architecture, way of life and mentality. The city has many architectural excesses, everything is well thought out and perfect. In the photo, just a small part of the structure high in the sky, glittering and illuminated. Walking around the city gives you the feeling that you are dreaming. And this is precisely the mission of our company: to build your dreams!

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  • Proizvodnja kovinskih konstrukcij je na?a strast. Radi ustvarjamo jeklene konstrukcije, ki na?im strankam prina?ajo dodano vrednost. Vedno imamo osebni pristop, saj v zgodnjih fazah projekta lahko stranki pomagamo s predlogi in izbolj?avami, ki naredijo produkt ?e bolj uporaben. Znanje vitke proizvodnje, dolgoletne izku?nje iz razli?nih proizvodenj, znanje zahtev ISO 9001, ISO 14000, ISO 50001 in avtomobilskih standardov - vse to je na?a baza znanja, ki jo radi delimo z na?imi strankami in pripomoremo k ve?ji uporabnosti objekta, ki si ga stranka ?eli. Ve? podatkov pa na spletni strani RAR - ECO, (https://rar-eco.si/), kjer najdete tudi info mail in kontaktno ?tevilko.

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  • RAR ECO is an established company that manufactures steel structures such as storage halls, production halls, canopies and other structures. Our vision is to become a trusted manufacturer of steel structures, with continuous growth, that professionally transforms customers' wishes into a product. Our mission: to satisfy internal and external customers, to develop technologically advanced solutions with high added value. Offer layout planning assistance, not just building from plans.
