What Safety Gaps do you see? ??
At RapidSOS - we support ~500K emergencies every day.? This provides us with a unique perspective on how technology can, if used correctly, dramatically improve emergency response. However, the challenge is that most of us (consumers and businesses) don’t see the role we can play in driving this change. We often tend to think of emergency response as fixed.? After all, we buy home security systems, and our place of work may have cameras throughout the facility. However, if something does happen, we call 911 and verbally answer the question, “What is your Emergency?” the same way we did 60 years ago. Placing the call is imperative, but what about all the technology around us? How can that technology be better used to help proactively aid in response? We call this disconnect the Safety Gap. The Gap between how safety works today and how it could or should work with the technology and innovation around us. Let me give a simple but possibly non-obvious example: => 250 million emergencies occurred in the U.S. in 2023 => Enterprises spend ~$200B annually on safety technology => 80%+ of 911 calls now come from mobile phones => Mobile phones are often outside the reach of corporate security => This lack of visibility is a Safety Gap Why is this a Safety Gap? It’s a gap—not because Enterprises don’t have clear processes and procedures for emergency response—they absolutely do. It’s a gap because those processes depend on: ** Knowing an incident is happening ** The faster you have this information, the more proactive the response. => Not knowing until police or fire are at your building is a Gap. => Not clear where the incident is happening is a Gap. => Not knowing the type of incident is a Gap. We have found that once there is Awareness of the Safety Gap, the desire to close the gap becomes a priority. But don’t take my word for it. Look around and ask yourself what Safety Gaps you see. => What are the Safety Gaps at your kid's school? => At your place of work? => In your community? Is the technology we use daily helping us when it matters most? If not, what are you going to do about it? Because once you see a Safety Gap - it's impossible to unsee it. Give it a shot, and let me know what Safety Gaps you see. If you want to learn more, check out our Safety Gap Report in the first comment ??