Rahm Sensor Development, Inc.转发了
Stop by our demo hall at #OhioVCFest to get a firsthand look at the revolutionary technology emerging from Ohio. From AI to VR and beyond, these visionary companies are bringing innovative solutions to life. Check out their prototypes and experience this cutting-edge technology for yourself. ?? Asynt Solutions Atmata Film Lighthouse Avionics TRIP Band Connect Banyan Technology Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies Locera Vision MediView XR, Inc. MuReva orthobrain? Rahm Sensor Development, Inc. Respiratory Health Technologies Thrivable Vitalxchange Doohickey AI Spokbee.com SG Labs QicVision AI Scanning LunchTable SweatID Vixiv TurningMode Purchase your ticket for Ohio VC Fest before August 31: https://ow.ly/fMhT50SX0X4 #OhioVCFest24 #DemoHall #Ignite #Innovate #Impact