?? The next run of our virtual experience design retreat, Designing Experiences for Radical Imagination, kicks off February 18th. Enrollment is officially open!
If you are looking for the frameworks, tools, and inspiration you need to become a badass, magnetic, singularly unique experience designer, join us for our 8-week winter retreat.
We’ll marry the rigor with the magic, the tactical with the good-chaos and the radically inspired.
The world needs more soft, wild, mysterious, poetic, courageous, kind moments for us to dream up new futures together. The world needs more people who want to help each other remember how to play.
The world needs more people who know that how we gather can be how we change.
Whether you are holding the culture of a team, creating a people program, facilitating events, making moments for your family, building physical objects, or scheming digital spaces, this is for you.
Because all of these things are experiences. And, whether or not you call yourself it already, you are an experience designer.
If you build things for humans, this is for you. If you want things to feel more spicy and more beautiful, and hell of a lot less drudgerous and crappy, come play with us.
Info sessions are happening the first two weeks of February! And enrollment closes February 17th at 11:59 pm PT. ??
Here’s an overview of our 8 weeks together:
*Design for Connection*
? Week 1: Seed your purpose, identify your audience, and outline your guiding shifts?
? Week 2: Design for feelings, energy, shifts, and internal emotional divergence?
? Week 3: Weave relationships with participants and place, and design for roles, power, and care
*Design for Structure*
? Week 4: Architect the containers, engineer transitions, leverage metaphor, and sculpt time
? Week 5: Create the journey, design for highs and lows, and choose your critical moments
? Week 6: Bring it to life, make your moments memorable, and design for the multi-sensory
*Design for Play*
? Week 7: Invite play, challenge, risk, and magic, and design for different play modalities
? Week 8: Build the backend tools for delivering your experience, playtest, and craft stories