Celebrating more from our partner with a #repost from @??????? SuperCamp Korea . Original post by @??? (Rachel Choi).
(translated from the original post)
"The first session of the 2024 Phoenix SuperCamp for elementary school students, organized for the children of Dong-A Socio Group employees, has successfully concluded. Starting today, we begin the second phase with staff training, and tomorrow, the second session of SuperCamp for middle school students will commence.
During this elementary camp, we had the opportunity to share meaningful time with many parents, who expressed their deep aspirations for their children's education and reflected on the role of parents in supporting the next generation. It was a time of mutual understanding and deep contemplation.
We are deeply grateful and honored that SuperCamp Korea can continue to walk alongside Dong-A Socio Group in realizing its corporate values. For the past 10 years, the group has made invaluable investments in the children of its employees, trusting in the philosophy and values of SuperCamp, which has a 42-year history of character education.
SuperCamp Korea will continue to support our precious children so that they can develop healthy confidence and lead their valuable lives proactively. There are no unfulfilled children, only unfulfilled environments.
We ask for your continued interest and support for the second middle school camp, which runs from August 6th to 17th.
This is Only SuperCamp"
Great job, SuperCamp South Korea! Sending you all the In-Powered? energy as you continue to create a positive impact. Stay tuned for more updates from South Korea!
#SuperCampSouthKorea #quantumlearningglobal #8keysofexcellence #keysopendoors #MakingGreatKidsGreater #SuperCamp #makinggreatkidsgreater