Insightful thoughts on the power of “Why”
Orchestrates High-Impact Events That Transform Nonprofit Revenue | Turning Purpose into Measurable Impact | Goldman Sachs OMBW Graduate | Empowering Boards to Embrace Their Fundraising Potential
I recently had the most insightful, inspiring, and thoughtful conversation that I just had to share. I enjoy budding friendships and this one was nothing short of that! On a call a few weeks back, I was truly inspired. During our conversation, Deisa A. Martin Velázquez, MBA shared a valuable perspective I believe all donors would appreciate. As we were discussing how donors get connected to the mission, we agreed that now more than ever, donors need to see the value of their dollar that is spent with their organization. She stated that as much as we appreciate the post that says "thank you to our sponsors," she said it would be much more rewarding if you share WHY. "WHY" - what a powerful way to show gratitude! I myself must admit it is something so small but creates a lasting impact. Especially in the times we are in, donor relations and stewardship is such a huge need. Cultivating your current database instead of going out and looking for new donors should be a priority. Did you know it costs 7x more to gain a new donor than it does to keep your current one? So how are we doing our part to ensure that we are engaging all donors of all sizes? We shared some great ideas and insight, but if you find yourself looking for ways to reengage your past or current donors, let's talk. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to learn and meet you Deisa A. Martin Velázquez, MBA #DonorRelations #Fundraising #Gratitude #NonprofitLeadership #philanthrophy #impact