Workaholism is the best drug. There. I said it. Well… until it’s not. Remember when you used to jump out of bed, fired up to conquer the world? If it’s been a while, you might notice something I’ve been calling: The Midlife Malaise A malaise is that dreary fog where everything just goes bland and gray. Life loses its savor. Worst of all… you can't get high on work anymore. The dopamine rush of success just doesn't hit like it used to. If you’re tracking with me so far, you're probably trying to cope in one of three ways: The Golden Hamster Wheel: Pushing harder, working longer, chasing faster. Brain chemistry fatigues and it’s harder to maintain the hustle & grind. Golfing Your Way to the Grave: Trading work addiction for toy addiction. Country club, luxury cars, vacation homes, yachts, planes, tropical islands. Hang Gliding into a Hurricane: Three-martini lunches, women, white powder. When work stops giving you that rush, chaos gets its hooks in. Here's what nobody tells you: Midlife is like a second puberty of sorts. Remember how uncomfortable, yet necessary that first one was? Midlife transformation works the same way. Just like a caterpillar has to dissolve before becoming a butterfly, you have to go through dissolution before finding your Mountain of Fulfillment?. The unbridled workaholic identity, always seeking that next fix, has to die for something greater to emerge. BOOK YOUR MIDLIFE CLARITY CALL? -> #purposemapping?#menswork?#menscoaching?#executivecoaching?#purpose?#mission?#midlife?#men?#contribution?#connection