Pulitzer Center

Pulitzer Center


Washington,District of Columbia 22,932 位关注者

Journalism and education for the public good


The Pulitzer Center champions the power of stories to make complex issues relevant and inspire action. We have a bold vision: to be the venue for the world’s most innovative and consequential reporting, with journalism as the key element for mobilizing society through audience engagement strategies. Founded in 2006, the Center is an essential source of support for enterprise reporting in the United States and across the globe. The thousands of journalists and educators who are part of our networks span more than 80 countries. Our work reaches tens of millions of people each year through our news-media partners and an audience-centered strategy of global and regional engagement. We believe that people and communities who actively engage with systemic challenges will find solutions together. By supporting journalists as they conduct in-depth investigations, produce compelling stories, and engage diverse audiences, we create a ripple effect of world-changing impact. The result? Policy reforms, public awareness, and community empowerment.

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Washington,District of Columbia
Journalism、broadcast、non-profit、new media、online media、multimedia、investigative journalism和rainforest issues


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    查看The Gecko Project的公司主页,图片

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    **New investigation probes the business interests of Indonesia’s new president** Prabowo Subianto claims to be a successful businessman who’s worth over $130 million and controls almost half a million hectares of land. But how accurate is this picture? In our latest investigation, produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center’s Rainforest Investigations Network, we took a closer look. Our research began because we suspected that Prabowo’s companies might be having a significant impact on forests, climate and indigenous people. They were apparently operating in the coal, forestry and plantation sectors, after all. We started to dig into these companies using public reports, corporate profiles, government permit records, satellite imagery, interviews with former employees, and visits to his forestry and coal concessions. And the picture we found was a little more complicated than some accounts of his business empire would suggest. Many of the companies in which Prabowo owns shares appear to be inactive. Other businesses with which he has been publicly associated are owned by other people. One company linked to Prabowo - a timber firm that presides over a vast land bank in Borneo - is not owned on paper by him, but by a coterie of close political allies. What does this all mean? Well, Prabowo enters office with private interests in coal and timber — two sectors that play an outsized role in Indonesia’s contribution to climate change. The lack of transparency over the ownership of some of these companies — and their connection (if any) to Prabowo — generates the potential for unseen conflicts of interest. According to Indonesian activists we spoke to, Prabowo shouldn’t be in this position. The inactive mining concessions should have been revoked, they argue. There’s also a “beneficial ownership” regulation that should impose greater transparency over the ownership of companies. But, as one activist told us, the system relies on submissions from companies that are not verified. Other sources we spoke to called for Prabowo and other members of Indonesia’s incoming government to publicly declare their business interests, to allow the public to determine whether decisions are being made in the public interest. Read the full investigation: https://lnkd.in/eJ_vWCSt

    The President's new clothes

    The President's new clothes


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    Rino Febrian, Menantu Menteri Sekretaris Negara Pratikno berkongsi dengan anak Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Wahyu Sakti Trenggono. Keduanya memiliki saham di perusahaan perikanan yang lini bisnisnya merentang dari hulu ke hilir. Investigasi Jaring.id dan Tempo, dengan dukungan Pulitzer Center juga menemukan kalau Rino punya posisi penting di perusahaan yang sahamnya tidak ia miliki secara langsung. Salah satu perusahaan tersebut, mengoperasikan kapal eks asing yang dijatuhi sanksi berat saat Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan dipimpin Susi Pudjiastuti. Apa kata Pratikno soal ini? Simak artikel selengkapnya: https://lnkd.in/gbFKMUuW — Rino Febrian, son-in-law of Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, shares with the son of Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Wahyu Sakti Trenggono. Both have shares in fisheries companies whose business lines stretch from upstream to downstream. Investigations by Jaring.id and Tempo, with the support of Pulitzer Center also found that Rino has an important position in a company whose shares he does not own directly. One of these companies operates ex-foreign vessels that were severely sanctioned when the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries was led by Susi Pudjiastuti. Apa kata Pratikno soal ini? Simak artikel selengkapnya: https://lnkd.in/gbFKMUuW #JARINGid #Berita #Ikan #Perikanan #Kapal #Laut #Pratikno

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    查看Andrea Kalin的档案,图片

    Award-winning filmmaker, guerrera, canine enthusiast, dervish of energy and mother. Dedicated to challenging assumptions and inspiring change. Founder, Spark Media

    Launching Public Defender with The New Yorker and releasing it out into the world has been a wonderful whirlwind. We have been so buoyed by the reception to the film! 57K+ and counting have viewed the movie!! Here's a little roundup of some of the feedback we've received so far. Thank you to everyone who has already watched the film and joined this ongoing conversation! Keep commenting. We love hearing what you have to say and we hope the film continues to spark this much-needed dialogue about our democracy! And, if you haven't watched yet, you can find the film here: https://lnkd.in/eKgV2y43 A big thanks to our friends at Mountainfilm, where the film premiered back in May, and to our impact partner, Pulitzer Center, for their help getting the word out about the film being available for streaming. In addition to the film being on The New Yorker, we are excited to announce that on Tuesday, October 15th, Public Defender will be broadcast in Japan via NHK WORLD JAPAN. #humanity #democracy #pluralism #disagreebetter #listentolisten #healthedivide #Election2024 #January6 #Americanpolitics

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  • 查看Pulitzer Center的公司主页,图片

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    Don't miss this online discussion on election transparency, accessibility, and combating voter disenfranchisement with StoryReach U.S. Fellow Ashton Pittman and grantees Arlyssa Becenti, Aaron Mendelson, and Brittany Gibson. Register now! ?? https://bit.ly/3U0vB6B

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    Next Monday, join us to discuss combating voter disenfranchisement with enhanced transparency and accessibility across all communities, despite growing challenges to election systems. Grantees Arlyssa Becenti, Aaron Mendelson, and Brittany Gibson, and StoryReach U.S Fellow Ashton Pittman will examine changing voter identification and mail-in ballot procedures, arcane polling information, and legislation limiting voter registration drives. Register now ?? https://bit.ly/3U0vB6B

    • Pulitzer Center Webinar Series - Electoral Frontiers: Combating Disenfranchisement ad Building Transparency - Monday, October 14, 2024 - 6:00 - 7:00 PM EDT - with Arlyssa Becenti, Aaron Mendelson, Ashton Pittman, and Brittany Gibson
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    Investigasi oleh Jaring.id dan Majalah Tempo, dengan dukungan Pulitzer Center, mengungkap dugaan keterlibatan anggota keluarga dua menteri dalam bisnis perikanan. Simak liputan selengkapnya: https://lnkd.in/ghFJ9xbP — An investigation by Jaring.id and Tempo Magazine, with support from Pulitzer Center, revealed allegations of involvement of two ministers' family members in the fishing industry. Read the full report: https://lnkd.in/ghFJ9xbP #JARINGid #Berita #Ikan #Perikanan #Kapal #Laut

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    94 位关注者

    Investigasi oleh Jaring.id dan Majalah Tempo, dengan dukungan?Pulitzer Center, mengungkap dugaan keterlibatan anggota keluarga dua menteri dalam bisnis perikanan. Simak liputan selengkapnya di Jaring.id dan majalah.tempo.co — An investigation by Jaring.id and Tempo Magazine, with support from?Pulitzer Center, revealed allegations of involvement of two ministers' family members in the fishing industry. Read the full report at Jaring.id and majalah.tempo.co #JARINGid?#Berita?#Ikan?#Perikanan?#Kapal?#Laut

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    查看Ethan Oser的档案,图片

    Producer/Director of Photography/Editor at Spark Media

    For the last three years, I have been working on Public Defender. The documentary follows Heather Shaner, a feisty, blue-haired defense attorney in Washington, DC, has spent over 45 years representing people who can’t afford a lawyer. But her empathy is tested when a violent mob supporting outgoing President Donald Trump storms the U.S. Capitol. You can watch it now on The New Yorker: https://lnkd.in/gQi9iTCK Producing this film has been an eye-opening journey; one that made the entire Spark Media crew question the systems that seem intent on dividing us, and consider how to hold those responsible accountable. In the days and weeks following January 6th, I was angry. I saw the thousands of Americans who stormed the Capitol as the enemy. But now, at a time when everything in our culture and politics are split into black and white, it is more important than ever to expand the gray. There is a difference between those who summoned the January 6th mob through disinformation and the people who were swept up in it. The individuals who entered the Capitol on January 6th are being held accountable. More than 1,500 have been arrested so far, leading to hundreds of guilty pleas and convictions. What remains to be seen is true accountability for the leaders who laid the groundwork for this violence and division. Accountability is on the ballot this November. I hope you take the time to watch and share Public Defender. And, please, feel free to share your thoughts. Thank you! ------ This film would have been impossible without willing participants like public defender Heather Shaner, and her clients, Annie Howell and Jack Griffith. We thank them for opening themselves up to sharing their stories. Public Defender was made with a dream team! Director/Writer/Producer: Andrea Kalin Director of Photography/Producer: Ethan Oser Editor: Thomas Niles Executive Producer: Richard Schiff Senior Producer: Kate Woodsome Field Producer/2nd Cam: David Enders Consulting Producers: Janice Engel & Liz Gilbert Sound Editor & Mixer: Cheryl Ottenritter, CAS, MPSE, CAS, MPSE & Rick Rush, Ott House Audio Composer: Mike Sayre Violinist: Jessica Hanson Singer/Songwriter: Jordan Hart Impact partners: Pulitzer Center & Interfaith America Distributor: The New Yorker Mountainfilm Commitment Grant Recipient

  • Pulitzer Center转发了

    查看Kate Woodsome的档案,图片

    Founder, Invisible Threads. Won Pulitzer Prize with Washington Post colleagues for covering the Jan. 6 insurrection. Big thoughts on the ties between mental health and democracy.

    Absolutely thrilled to share that Public Defender, our labor of love to make order out of the chaos of the Jan. 6 attack and to find humanity in the hate, is now part of The New Yorker's family of documentary films. I covered the insurrection at the Capitol and suffered real and lasting PTSD from the attack and its aftermath, so working on this project was particularly challenging for me. Throughout the production led expertly by director Andrea Kalin, learning the stories and motivations of people caught up in President Trump's lies and manipulations, helped me personally and professionally in ways I'm still making sense of. Heather Shaner, the DC public defender tasked with representing the Jan. 6 rioters, grapples with this complexity in the short doc, too. Can't wait for you to watch it. Let me know what you think. ??Public Defender is now streaming on The New Yorker and on YouTube: https://lnkd.in/eBiuFqVi Director/Producer:?Andrea Kalin,?Spark Media Director of Photography/Producer: Ethan Oser Editor: Thomas Niles Executive Producer: Richard Schiff Senior Producer: Kate Woodsome, Invisible Threads Field Producer/2nd Cam: David Enders Consulting Producers: Janice Engel & Liz Gilbert Sound Editor & Mixer: Cheryl Ottenritter, CAS, MPSE & Rick Rush, Ott House Audio Composer: Mike Sayre Violinist: Jessica Hanson Singer/Songwriter: Jordan Hart Impact partners: Pulitzer Center & Interfaith America Distributor: The New Yorker Mountainfilm Commitment Grant Recipient #publicdefenderfilm #humanity #democracy #pluralism #disagreebetter #listentolisten #healthedivide #Election2024 #January6

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