Incoming FIRST Robotics Competition appreciation post! PTI has been a long time sponsor of local FIRST teams & last night we had the opportunity to attend a team open house to see what it takes to participate as a student & mentor, it's impressive! Students design & build a robot to compete in challenges throughout the competition season, with the ultimate goal of qualifying for the Global Finals. Students are involved in a number of departments within their team including business development, design, prototyping, programming, circuitry, build and machine shop. These kids are learning not only "hard skills" but soft skills like public speaking, cooperation within a team, negotiating, and how to fail and problem solve. In the off season they mentor younger students and hold summer STEM camps. If you have an opportunity to sponsor a FIRST team in your community, jump on board. You will be contributing to the development of valued, ready for the work force future employees! Shout out to all the mentors involved, who are industry members, educators, and often former team members. Here are a couple of photos from last night's open house with FRC Team 4810 I.A.M. Robot from the International Academy of Macomb, Chippewa Valley & Dakota High Schools. In addition to I.A.M. Robot, PTI sponsors Marysville Team 5167 VI BOTS, Team 217 Thunderchickens, and Team 2851 Crevolution, both from Utica Schools. #FIRSTROBOTICS #STEM #MACOMBCOUNTY