One month out! Looking forward to the greatest modular show of the year?? Thanks to Modular Building Institute for making World of Modular happen! #mosularinstallation #modularsetcrew #commercialmodular #modulartradeshow #modularconference #modularaffordablehousing #modularhousing #worldofmodular
ProSet Modular员工
ProSet and ModCribs teams at the Minneapolis Offsite Summit 2024! #modularsummit #modularconference #offsitemodularsummit #crib #modularhousing #modcribs
Where is ProSet this week? Bend, OR installing units for Madomi Modular. (And Greenfield, CA…stay tuned) #modular #modularhousing #oregonmodular #modularmultifamily #modularbuilding #offsiteconstruction
Where is ProSet this week? Bend, OR setting mods for our new friends at! Thanks to Stream Modular and Shaw Construction LLC for another great collaboration. #oregonmodular #modularworkforcehousing #mosaicmodular #madomimodular #modularhousing #modularaffordablehousing #manufacturedhousing
Where is ProSet this week? South Carolina installing steel modules and panels for Xtreme Manufacturing, LLC. #modular #modularconstruction #steelmodular #modularmanufacturing #miningmodular #modularshop #industrialmodular
ProSet is honored to take home 3 new awards from the Modular Building Institute World of Modular convention this week! Thanks to all who gave us an opportunity to be a part of these great projects. And special thanks to Amanda Alexander for single handedly showcase ModCribs at this years show as well!! #modular #modularhousing #modularawards #worldofmodular Bernards Nashua Builders GUERDON, LLC Factory OS Saunders Construction DCI Engineers RISE Modular Northstar Modular Homes Inc #modularconvention Dave Cooper ??