Your apartments arent leasing quickly because your vacancies linger on the market in these conditions. Here are some important questions to consider: - How long does it take to turnover your vacant units? - During which quarterly inspection do you decide to hold residents accountable for damages to their apartment ? - Is your team monitoring unfavorable conditions and managing problematic tenants? - Are you documenting which repairs can be done in-house versus those requiring a vendor? - Does your team wait for the tenant to vacate before scheduling repairs, or do you proactively schedule vendors within 30 days of being notified about the move-out? - Do you apply the deposit fee to cover the cost of necessary replacements, or do you use another designated budget for that expense? - Does your team wait to conduct move out walks after keys have been turned in or do they proactively document conditions ahead of time to determine appropriate responsibility? Severe repairs, like those shown in this picture, must prompt preventative measures to avoid prolonged turnover and vendor delays. Residents can be evicted not just for non-payment but also due to poor living conditions. Don’t let your apartments remain on the market in these unfavorable conditions. Take action immediately!