Read more about advice for soon-to-be retirees on our latest blog post! Check it out below ??
Advice for Soon-to-Be Retirees - Here are some lessons I've learned from watching two business partners retire Retirement is one of life’s biggest moments—and it’s not just about stopping work; it’s about starting a new chapter filled with possibility. Over the years, I’ve had a front-row seat to two very meaningful retirements: first, my father, and now Christina, another close business partner who’s preparing for 2025. Here are the top lessons I’ve learned: Plan Early and Often ?? Set a clear timeline: My dad knew his retirement date years in advance; Christina did the same. ?? Envision life post-work: My dad wanted to spend time with family and stay active, while Christina looks forward to lake life and slowing things down up north. ?? Prepare your business (if applicable): Both have taken steps to transition responsibilities and knowledge well before the big day. Get to Know Your Finances ?? Map out income sources: Social Security, investments, pensions, and more all play a role. ?? Revisit your budget: Retirement spending can be surprisingly different—sometimes more, especially in the first few years. ?? Plan for the unexpected: Emergencies happen; set aside a safety net. Leave a Legacy ?? Share knowledge: My dad documented processes; Christina is creating guides and walking our team through her responsibilities. ?? Empower the next generation: Hand off tasks thoughtfully and celebrate the achievements that got you here. Find New Purpose ?? Explore hobbies: My dad started biking and donating blood (plasma) regularly. ?? Spend time with loved ones: With more flexibility, visiting family and friends can become a priority. ?? Give back: Volunteering can keep retirees active and engaged in their community. Embrace Change ?? Be patient: Retirement is a big adjustment—take it one day at a time. ?? Try new things: With extra free time, you might discover a passion you never had time for before. Celebrate the Journey ?? Mark the milestone: We held a retirement party for my dad and plan to do the same for Christina. ?? Hit “reset” on finances: Retirement can be a chance to re-check your goals and align your money with your new life. A solid financial professional can guide you through everything from setting your retirement timeline to updating your budget, managing investments, and planning your estate. Having an expert by your side can turn an intimidating process into an empowering one. #Retirement #FinancialAdvisor #Legacy