Prestige MFG转发了
?? THANK YOU ?? Wow. I’m lost for words after this week. What did I say on Saturday? Real manufacturing professionals for real manufacturing professionals? You certainly proved it. For those of you I had the incredible opportunity to meet at IMTS - International Manufacturing Technology Show: THANK YOU. You guys absolutely made everything worth it, and it was truly inspiring to hear your stories and get to shake your hands. For those of you who I didn’t get the opportunity to meet - I absolutely cannot wait to continue to bring the conversation forward in the future. Machinists make the world go round, and don’t you for a second let anyone forget it. Practical Machinist is by people who work in the trade, for people who work in the trade. And one last time - THANK YOU! _______________ We make excellent parts. Need a quote? Give us a shout! #machinist #instamachinist #machining #cnc #cncmachining #torontomade #madeincanada #steel #aluminum #bluecollar #manufacturing #design #fabrication #makers #designporn #carbide #youtubemachinists #cncporn #cncmilling #builtnotbought #practicalmachinist #automation #digitaltwin #industry40