I recently did an in-depth review on FireCut AI. It's a plugin for Premiere Pro with many tools that takes care of typical time-consuming editing tasks for social media editors. It has silence cutting, filler word removal, chapters, repetition remover, zooms, animating captions, and more.
You might think that third-party silence removers are obsolete because Premiere Pro now has its own built-in pause and filler word removal that you can do for free with their Text panel. However, FireCut does have far more advanced silence removing controls such as adding padding and j-cuts that can make it more customizable. But I think the most useful tools in FireCut is the repetition removal, multi-track podcast editor, and, my favorite, the automatic animating captions feature.
Indeed their caption making process is the most straight forward I've seen on the market. It comes with easy one-click presets and the captions render out as png files very fast after generation.
Considering their subscription price is high ($25/monthly) and they offer an array of Ai tools, it would be great if users could choose to just pay for 1 tool they'd like to use. For example, a few people commented on the video that they would only like to use their caption animator for a reduced fee.
Have a watch and let me know what you think.