We’re working with Holland Charter Township to support community growth with major upgrades to the local wastewater system. The Township has seen significant population and business growth in recent years, placing heavy demand on the wastewater system—especially Pump Station 31, which handles over 25% of the Township’s overall flow. Upgrades are critical to keep up with expansion and to prevent system strain. This infrastructure project will increase wastewater capacity for residential, commercial, and industrial users, providing reliable service for years to come! The project’s scope of work includes: ?? construction of a new Pump Station 31 to handle increased capacity. ?? installing over three miles of new 26-inch/30-inch force main to accommodate increased wastewater flow. ?? horizontal directional drilling 2,000 feet of 30-inch pipe under Lake Macatawa to discharge flow directly to the treatment plant (HAWRF). ?? four bore & jack operations, including under a CSX railroad, a county drain, and two roadways. ?? installing over 3,000 feet of 24-inch gravity sanitary sewer upstream of Pump Station No. 31. ?? enhancing system reliability and pipeline design to assist with long term maintenance. This project is funded by $20 million dollars in state support, and construction is already well underway with completion expected at the end of 2025. Photo Credits: Prein&Newhof Kamminga & Roodvoets, Inc. | Gabe's Construction Co., Inc. | Lowe Construction Co. | City of Holland