Experienced Healthcare Professional with nearly 25 years in the industry. RBR, Medical Bill Review, Cost Containment The good news just keeps coming...... IN THE UNITED STATES, INSURERS PROJECT A 10.2% INCREASE IN 2025, UP FROM 9.3% THIS YEAR “With medical cost increases remaining at double-digit levels, employers will need to manage budget expectations and balance cost increases with data-driven business and health outcomes. The seemingly never-ending rise in costs poses a constant challenge for employers to take action in order to mitigate these unsustainable increases.” The icing on the cake..... "Moreover, no cost relief is on the immediate horizon. Although the trend may be slightly cooling in some regions, it is projected to remain elevated over the longer term. Over the next three years, nearly two-thirds of insurers anticipate higher or significantly higher medical cost trends globally." ***For those of you who remember it, the "Rule of 72" says that at 9.3% increase YoY means your costs DOUBLE in 7.74 years. At a 10.2% increase - you double in 7.05 years. Can you or your employer clients sustain the DOUBLING of your costs in the next 7 years??? Of course not. Are you thinking of partnering with another BUCA ASO or PPO and a traditional PBM model, again?? - You do know that those models make more $ when the Plan spends more money, right? Hence that model's 40+ year track record of 100% failure in controlling costs. To control costs, you MUST think out of the box. We have been doing that for almost 20 years, and our clients' plans show a lot of success in significantly decreasing costs. We are here to help. Reach out and let's talk.