Poppy Grove, LLC

Poppy Grove, LLC


Paso Robles,CA 26 位关注者

Helping Mompreneurs build their freedom-based dream businesses.


Business Strategy + Coaching for Mompreneurs to start and grow their freedom-based dream business

1 人
Paso Robles,CA


Poppy Grove, LLC员工


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    26 位关注者

    查看Lisa Avila, MA的档案,图片

    Helping Mompreneurs build thriving businesses for more time freedom & flexibility. Certified Business Strategist & Coach | Education Advocate ??

    Just down the coast from me, there's a eucalyptus grove that becomes a temporary home to thousands of monarch butterflies during their annual migration. It's quite awe-inspiring and fun fact: last year, they counted 16,347 butterflies in the grove! With their vibrant orange and black wings (two of Poppy Grove's brand colors btw), they create a living tapestry among the trees. They remind me of the power of community during life's long journeys. Occasionally, I'll spot a lone monarch fluttering by while I'm sitting in my backyard. I like to imagine she's taking a quick solo adventure, exploring a bit before rejoining her group. My Poppy Grove philosophy: Be vibrant - Stand out and make your mark. Explore - Don't be afraid to venture off the beaten path. Rest when you need to - Recharging is crucial for long-term success. As a Forestry major, I have learned that nature often provides the best business (& life) lessons. What has inspired you lately? #MonarchButterflies #NatureInspired #BusinessLessons #PoppyGrove

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    26 位关注者

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    Helping Mompreneurs build thriving businesses for more time freedom & flexibility. Certified Business Strategist & Coach | Education Advocate ??

    Do you ever stop to consider the heart & soul of your business? That would be you (in case you weren't sure). And even when we do know this, we mompreneurs often put ourselves last. There's always someone who needs something that usually comes with a price tag (soccer cleats, outgrown clothes, school event donation, prom flowers - I can't even with what they charge now, by the way). You think, well, soon I can take that course or hire that coach. And you know what happens? You don't do it. Months become years, years become decades. As a mompreneur and former educator, I have never regretted investing in my personal and professional growth through coaching and group programs. It is the best strategy for taking care of your business's heart and soul—YOU. #businessstrategist #investinyourself #growthstrategy

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    Helping Mompreneurs build thriving businesses for more time freedom & flexibility. Certified Business Strategist & Coach | Education Advocate ??

    Things no one tells you about motherhood: Some days you will question your sanity You would literally die for them Your heart can break in an instant You discover a kind of love you had no idea existed You will question every single decision from solid foods to curfews When you get quiet, your soul will know exactly what they need You have it in you to create wonderful humans; one day at a time #nationalsonsday ?? Sweet Whimsy Photography Thank you for suggesting we do a quick shoot before my oldest left for Louisiana State University

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    26 位关注者

    查看Lisa Avila, MA的档案,图片

    Helping Mompreneurs build thriving businesses for more time freedom & flexibility. Certified Business Strategist & Coach | Education Advocate ??

    Ever feel like your weekend is more chaotic than your work week? That was me this past weekend. Okay, maybe that's not exactly true, but so much was crammed into those two days that it feels that way. High School Homecoming Parade Friday night Football game Homecoming prep & photos Sunday club soccer (3-hour drive each way + L.A. traffic ??) Exhausting? Yes. Would I do it all over again? Absolutely! With one son away at college (Geaux LSU Tigers! ??), one graduating high school this year, and another living and breathing soccer, I want to be present for every moment. This is where being a mompreneur truly shines ?: -Leaving early on Friday for a parade without having to "take time off" -Working in sweats today with my snoring "co-worker" -Flexing my schedule based on energy levels and weekly goals Time freedom is the ultimate gift of mompreneurship. It allows us to be there for those irreplaceable family moments, work when we're most productive, and design a lifestyle that seamlessly integrates work and family. But I know the journey can be challenging. That's why I created the TENACIOUS Group Coaching Business Accelerator. In just six weeks, we work together to clarify your vision, streamline your systems, and create strategies that work with your lifestyle—not against it. We make your business work for your life. Want to learn more about TENACIOUS? Schedule a coffee chat with me (link in my profile) ?? #Mompreneur #BusinessGrowth #TimeFreedom

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    26 位关注者

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    Helping Mompreneurs build thriving businesses for more time freedom & flexibility. Certified Business Strategist & Coach | Education Advocate ??

    I rarely post the 'real' me on LinkedIn, but I've decided to change that today. You see, I've always been intuitive and an empath. From a young age, I have felt other people's energy. During a family road trip to Disneyland, I saw an elderly gentleman eating alone in a cafe. He was wearing clothes over his pajamas. I felt his loneliness so deeply that I couldn't stop crying, and we had to leave the restaurant. My heart-on-my-sleeve way of maneuvering through the world hasn't always worked well for me. I've stayed in some pretty sh*tty relationships because I felt their kind soul under their wounded ego. I've worked for narcissistic bosses longer than I should have because I believed in their vision. However, I also chose to return to school for a Master's in Education as a single mom because I had a deep need to help English Learners and their families (I still do). I've met some incredible souls on this journey—that's one of the reasons I started my Entrepreneur Truth Talk series—so the world can appreciate them also. I LOVE strategy & marketing, but I also love pulling angel cards and having my birth chart read. Do you secretly follow the moon cycles? Protect your home with black tourmaline? If so, no judgment here! We can be both AND Those are the kind of people I want to do business with - both AND (plus my intuition will let me know right away if you are a good human ?? )

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    Helping Mompreneurs build thriving businesses for more time freedom & flexibility. Certified Business Strategist & Coach | Education Advocate ??

    Here’s one I’m going to sit with all day - who / what is the nemesis of my business. I’ve been out here so focused on how I help moms grow their businesses, that I hadn’t considered what I’m fighting against. I definitely have one in my education advocacy work & Josh Spector is right - it drives me to fight harder for safe public education spaces, inclusive curriculum, & engagement with ALL families. Do you have a nemesis in your business? I’d love to hear

    You Need a Nemesis - For The Interested

    You Need a Nemesis - For The Interested


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    26 位关注者

    查看Lisa Avila, MA的档案,图片

    Helping Mompreneurs build thriving businesses for more time freedom & flexibility. Certified Business Strategist & Coach | Education Advocate ??

    Coach & client unplanned twinning! ?? Brindley, the Founder of the nonprofit?HS Connect,?and I spent three days in person working on her Business Strategic Plan. Washington state to Paso Robles wine country, baby! ???? She’s now ready to rock the remainder of 2024 & set 2025 on ?? When most people hear Strategic Planning, they think of stuffy boardrooms, daunting blank yellow legal pads, uncomfortable business attire, and much yawning (it can't be just me who thinks that). I've been there, done that & I no longer play that game. Our Strategy Retreat requirements: ? Cozy Airbnb ? Comfy clothes ? Giant-sized Post-it Notes for the walls ? Every color Sharpie you can imagine ? Eating at delicious local restaurants ? Afternoon Uber Eats Iced white mocha deliveries This is how you spark creativity & fresh ideas. And we had so many laughs & ideas that we can’t wait to do it again! I have space for two more 1:1 Strategy Retreats this fall. Message me to save your spot. p.s. I was in the Paso Robles wine industry for 15+ years, so I can also help you create a fun pre or post-retreat adventure. #strategicplanning #businessstrategyforwomen #businessstrategist #mompreneur #mompreneurlife #nonprofitlife #hidradenitissuppurativa #hidradenitissuppurativaawareness #hidradenitissuppurativawarrior

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    26 位关注者

    Setting my own schedule is everything

    查看Lisa Avila, MA的档案,图片

    Helping Mompreneurs build thriving businesses for more time freedom & flexibility. Certified Business Strategist & Coach | Education Advocate ??

    Mom life is all about flexibility & time freedom My son is headed to the finals! ?? This means getting home late tonight & rescheduling YouTube recordings tomorrow AM Any regrets or anxiety? Heck no! Having my own business gives me the flexibility to change things last minute And because I’m intentional who I collaborate with, they get it There’s no place else I would rather be than watching my kids go after their dreams as passionately as I do To all the mompreneurs inspiring & supporting no matter the season, I see you ?? #mompreneurlife #soccermomlife #travelsoccer #timefreedomgoals #mompreneurlifestyle

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