Yesterday, Politics4Her attended the United Nations Security Council’s meeting called after Israel’s bombings on Gaza two nights ago, which ended the ceasefire and killed over 300 innocent civilians. Once again, nothing useful came out of the reunion, despite the repeated and urgent pleas of Palestinian representative Riyad Mansour. As he put it: if the Council cannot act, does it really have a reason to exist? However, our girls don’t just sit and listen. The same afternoon, fearless activists joined the P4H team in NYC to call out the UN’s inadequacy and the system’s passivity in the face of genocide and gender-based violence across the SWANA region. Dozens of women attended the event, contributing to unique and groundbreaking discussions, so here’s another huge shoutout to all the young women working every day to amplify the voices and pain that institutions have ignored for decades: Yasmina Benslimane, Rania Harrara (????? ?????), Farah Kanbi, Abrar Tarig, Bayadir Mohamed-Osman, MPH, Vian K Hussein, Duha Shellah, Batoul Hamzy, and Rez Gardi—you are powerful. Thank you for everything you’ve taught me. #CSW69 has been great because of you.