Get those letters and emails ready. ??
CVS Caremark is wielding its money and influence in an attempt to buy the Governor’s veto. Let’s send a powerful message. As an army of pharmacy professionals, allies and activists we can’t let this happen. Whether you’re a California resident or not please consider sending a letter or sharing this post in support of PBM reform. Urge Governor to Sign SB 966 The California Pharmacists Association along with the California Chronic Care Coalition, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, and the Los Angeles LGBT Center are fighting the PBMs/Health plans to save community pharmacy and they need our help. Despite a tremendous amount of opposition from the PBMs/Health plans, SB 966 cleared the Legislature without a single NO vote. Now, they are focusing their efforts on the Governor urging him to veto the bill. While the PBMs/Health plans have unlimited resources, what they don’t have is our commitment to patients. This is not just an independent pharmacy issue; pharmacies are closing all over the state including corporate chains. Every time a pharmacy closes, patients lose access, and pharmacists and technicians lose jobs. The PBMs/Health plans are claiming that this bill is just the greed of pharmacists wanting to charge more for medications. That is laughable. What they really want is to completely control the supply chain and move as many patients as possible to mail order severing the relationship between pharmacist and patient. This is an urgent matter; the Governor could act any day, and the opposition has direct access to him and will use their influence. We need volume. The last time we took on the PBMs, the Governor vetoed the bill – let’s fight hard to make sure this time he sides with patients and pharmacy! CVS Health American Pharmacists Association ASHP Dr. Maurice Shaw Bled Tanoe, PharmD, Lannie D. #pharmacy #Pharmacist #pharmacytechnician #pharmacylife #cvs #pharmacystudent