The Pacific Northwest Waterways Association has been a non-profit, non-partisan collaboration of ports, barge companies, steamship operators, farmers, terminals, union labor, forest products manufacturers, utilities, irrigation districts, and public agencies throughout Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. PNWA’s members work together to advocate for navigation, energy, trade and environmental restoration and stewardship throughout the region.
Established in 1934, as the Inland Empire Waterways Association, PNWA’s first act was to petition President Roosevelt and Congress for funds to secure a navigation lock at Bonneville Dam. PNWA then led the way for Congressional authorization and funding to build the remaining seven navigation locks and dams on the Columbia and Snake Rivers.
In 1971 we expanded, adding Puget Sound and coastal members to provide a comprehensive regional perspective. Our membership has grown to include public ports, tug and barge companies, steamship operators, grain elevator operators, agricultural producers, forest products manufacturers, electric utilities, irrigation districts, other businesses, public agencies, and individuals
For 90 years, PNWA has ensured that our waterways are efficient, reliable, and environmentally sustainable.
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