?????? Sharing this update from Julia W. who just completed the Gender Mainstreaming course taught by Irene Ojuok and Liliane Pari Umuhoza. We are so glad to have leaders like Julia improving gender equity in the environmental field!
Envinronmentalist Seedlings supply(Indoor/outdoor) Landscaping $ Lawn maintenance Farm management consultant Waste management/composting EIA expert Sustainable livelihoods
Learning never ends Today I am happy to receive my certificate on gender mainstreaming after 8 weeks of intensive learning by Planet Women through @ Centre for Gender equity and environment (CGEE). ???????????? I am now a better leader and I will engage with project players based on their knowledge, skills, experience,needs amongst others and not based on whether they were born a boy of a girl or what my religion or culture dictates on matters male and female. Gender issues are not women issues but about the group that is marginalized for whatever reason. #sustainablecommunitydevelopment #Gendermainstreaming