I have seen the impact of organizations engaging with Living Future's Just program, and it is nothing short of transformative. "We learned so much about ourselves and we are stronger for it" is the persistent theme from organizations of all scales and types. I love this Megan Recher testimonial about the Place Collaborative experience, which to me highlights that immense power and strength that come from transparency.
"Embracing transparency provides valuable insight into how your organization compares locally and nationally, highlighting areas for improvement and celebrating strong policies." Learn more about becoming a Just organization today: https://bit.ly/4aFuVL1. "Organizational equity and transparency are essential in our industry, as they have been overlooked for too long. Embracing transparency provides valuable insight into how your organization compares locally and nationally, highlighting areas for improvement and celebrating strong policies. Within our company, transparency has been empowering for employees and has helped us strengthen our policies for the better." Megan Recher Principal Place Collaborative