We celebrate all of the successful pitches of our of our Pitch University community. In addition to bringing tools and resources to help you secure funding, we have also launched RiseHealth Compass to ensure that you are taking care of your health. Your greatest asset is your personal health. Join us today on the journey to save founders lives! Let’s RISE together!
Our CEO and Founder, Monica McCoy, announces launch of the RiseHealth Compass in loving honor and memory of her amazing mother. Rise Health Compass is a scalable platform that promotes gender equity in healthcare and improves women's health outcomes. It empowers healthcare organizations to streamline operations, reduce disparities, and deliver top-notch patient care. Think curated directories, chronic disease management tools, community outreach, and education mechanisms. Our platform will not only change the game; it will rewrite the rules. "Our RiseHealth Compass initiative is a tribute to my mother, Betty Gene Taylor Rice, whose enduring spirit inspires every aspect of our work." -Monica McCoy #RiseHealthCompass #healthequity #bettyricelegacy #BUTGOD #paintopurpose #phoenixrising