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Inherited Cancers Australia

Inherited Cancers Australia

Non-profit Organizations

Narrabeen, NSW 1,763 followers

The Australian Registered Charity “Pink Hope Community Limited” has changed its name to “Inherited Cancers Australia".

About us

Inherited Cancers Australia (formerly Pink Hope) is committed to breaking the cycle of inherited cancer in Australian families. Our mission is to empower all Australians to understand and manage their inherited cancer risk by educating them about their health history, providing evidence-based resources, and connecting them to a supportive community. “The Australian Registered Charity “Pink Hope Community Limited” has changed its name to “Inherited Cancers Australia Limited”. The mission, activities and values of Inherited Cancers Australia have evolved to include all families with hereditary cancer risk, and you will see that our social media pages and other promotional and informational materials going forward are re-branded as “Inherited Cancers Australia.” We also request that you refer to our organisation and activities going forward using the terms “Inherited Cancers Australia” (rather than “Pink Hope”), send all email communications to us at our new email address [email protected] and no longer direct any communications or enquiries relating to us to the url: . Our new website for such enquiries and communications is Inherited Cancers Australia confirms that it has no ongoing affiliation with any persons or organisations who own a trademark to the terms “Pink Hope” or who may in the future use the terms ‘Pink Hope” as a trademark to conduct or promote charitable or other activities.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Narrabeen, NSW
Organisation, Support, Preventative Breast and Ovarian Health, Prevention, Advocacy, Education, and Personalised Resources


Employees at Inherited Cancers Australia


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