Modern medical offices now have screens that are meant to distract kids during medical procedures. But how is that supposed to be enough when they can still see the needles? Even Cleveland Clinic released an article on coping strategies for Trypanophobia (fear of needles) and the first coping strategy was to AVOID LOOKING AT THE NEEDLES. And according to Taddio et al. (2009), up to 10% of the population avoid vaccination due to needle phobia. If you think about it, that’s a problem that VR solves effortlessly. It subtracts the fear from the children by first, taking their sight away from the needles, and with PilloVR well-tailored content, it immerses them in another reality making them lose consciousness of the “terrifying” procedure. Honestly, at this point, I'm yet to find any solution as effective as VR when it comes to distracting kids during medical procedures because unlike screens VR has been proven to reduce needle-related fear by 40-50%! The faster we adopt VR, the faster we transform medical experiences for kids. PS: Have you seen a solution more effective than VR? Share your thoughts in the comment section.