There have been numerous times during the new administration's War on the Poor when I’ve seriously considered retreating from the chaos—perhaps even moving to a distant place like the Seychelles to gather my thoughts and renew my spirit. But I have chosen not to give in to silence or despair. Instead, I have quietly protested, engaged in respectful debates with those who hold opposing views, and leaned on the support of my like-minded community. I am deeply grateful for my inner circle of friends who encouraged me to step forward and deliver a presentation on Antiracism and Harm Reduction to over 100 healthcare workers in New York City. The healthcare professionals I spoke with—doctors and nurses who care for people who use drugs and those in recovery—often struggle to grasp the complex ways in which race, concentrated poverty, and addiction intersect. As someone with lived experience, a social scientist, an activist, and an advocate, I am uniquely positioned to bring these issues to light. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to my community, to my People. I can no longer afford to remain silent or to privilege my own comfort. The time has come to answer the call to action. I will continue to use my voice for those who do not have the choice or opportunity to sit at the tables to which I have been invited. I will fight for their representation and their rights, because it is my duty, my calling, and my honor to do so. Onward and Upward. Dr. P