Physicians, did you know you can use your Vot-ER badge to help both patients and colleagues plan for Election Day? By leveraging tools like your badge, you can guide them to find information about their ballot, polling locations, and even sign up for voting reminders. Voting in 2024 isn't just about fulfilling a civic duty—it’s about advocating for the policies that impact healthcare and ensuring your voice shapes the future of patient care. Every vote is a chance to influence the issues that matter most to our profession and our patients. There are just 20 days until Election Day! Let’s make sure our voices are heard. #Vote #Advocacy #PhysiciansMatter #PatientCareMatters #Democracy #HealthcarePolicy #GoVote #MCMSstrong
Did you know you can use your Vot-ER badge to help patients & colleagues make a plan to vote? Use your tools to find out ballot info, polling places, and even opt in to #voting reminders. Remember by #voting in 2024, you’re exercising your #right to have a say in the direction of the country, #advocating for the issues that matter to you, and ensuring that your #voice counts in shaping the future and #healthcare landscape. There is only 20 days until Election Day! #vote #Together, we advance forward! #healthcare #physiciansmatter #mcmsstrong #patientcarematters #democracy #policy #govote