Oclacitinib maleate (Apoquel?) is a JAK inhibitor that has been wildly successful and popular in the treatment of pruritic disorders associated with allergic and atopic dermatitis which was introduced to veterinary clinics in 2014. To accommodate pet owner’s ease of administration to their pets, a flavored chewable formulation (palatability has been pet tested and approved!) was launched in October 2023. At that time, Pet Poison Helpline? began to observe a notable jump in overdose exposures in dogs and cats, which continues today.
Presently, Pet Poison Helpline is noticing increasing trends of cardiovascular disturbances, CBC abnormalities, ocular signs, renal/hepatic injury, and even death at overdoses well-above the therapeutic range and in cats. More details including prevalence, levels of concern, proposed mechanisms of action, and treatment recommendations will be forthcoming from Pet Poison Helpline. In the meantime, the veterinary toxicologists at Pet Poison Helpline would like you to be aware of this concern and encourage you to be diligent in educating clients on the importance of storing medications out of reach of pets and to ensure that the correct pet is being given the correct medication.?