Every week (or every other ??), at noon our colleagues get a fresh edition of Friday Notes – a blog on our intranet written by our Managing Director and other Exco representatives ??? It’s a mix of company updates, reflections, and behind-the-scenes moments that bring us closer. One entry might highlight a challenge we tackled together, another could take us inside a distribution center, and sometimes it’s just small moments that make you smile before the weekend ?? And the best part? Our colleagues genuinely look forward to these posts! They break down barriers, offer a real glimpse into life at Pepco, and add a thoughtful touch to the end of the week ???? What internal traditions help keep your teams connected? Let us know in the comments! #inPepco #FridayNotes #intranet #Pepconet
Poznań,wielkopolskie 54,123 位关注者
Pepco is the most impressively growing value retailer on Europe’s market.
WE Pepco is the most impressively growing value retailer on Europe’s market. We offer clothing for the whole family as well as home products and toys at the low prices. Today we are present in 18 markets. We open a store every day – currently, we have over 3800 in: Poland, The Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Italy, Serbia, Spain, Germany, Greece, Portugal and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have been growing dynamically for several years and every month millions of satisfied customers visit our shops. The continuous rapid development of the company is only possible thanks to the high level of involvement of our employees, who are truly the architects of our success. Pepco employs over 31 000 people in Europe. The vast majority (nearly 90%) work in our stores, with the rest working in our distribution centers and offices throughout Europe. Our head office is in Poznań, where 2000 employees make decisions impacting the entire organization. YOU You can influence how thousands of individuals on our continent dress and decorate their homes thanks to your work at Pepco! Internationality and diversity are characteristics of our work. The decisions we make at our Poznań headquarters are carried out in the 18 European countries where we conduct our business! TOGETHER At Pepco, every day is different. Together we complete our daily tasks, which change based on our positions and the departments we work in. We are in charge of a variety of operations and procedures that have an impact on Pepco's growth as well as the running of offices, stores, and distribution centers around Europe.
- 网站
- 所属行业
- 零售业
- 规模
- 超过 10,001 人
- 总部
- Poznań,wielkopolskie
- 类型
- 私人持股
- 创立
- 2004
- 领域
- Clothing、discount retailing、toys、decorative articles、kids clothes、low prices、retailer、home furnishings、accessories、CONVENIENT SHOPPING 、Customer focused和home products
ul. Strzeszyńska 73A
Ile p?czków mo?esz zje?? bez wyrzutów sumienia? ???? W naszej firmie dbamy nie tylko o wyniki, ale te? o dobr? energi? i wspóln? aktywno??! ???? Dzi?ki wewn?trznej inicjatywie ?Better Move”, w ubieg?ym roku nasi koledzy i kole?anki ??cznie przeszli, przebiegli i przejechali na rowerach 180 391 km, wspieraj?c przy tym ró?ne wa?ne inicjatywy charytatywne dla dzieci i m?odzie?y. To dystans, który mo?na przeliczy? na… 12 089 p?czków! ?? A to wszystko osi?gn?li?my w zaledwie dwa miesi?ce! ????♂?????♀????? Dlatego dzi? ?wi?tujemy T?usty Czwartek bez poczucia winy – bo za zaanga?owanie, wysi?ek i determinacj? warto siebie nagradza?! ?yczmy i Wam cieszenia si? ma?ymi przyjemno?ciami bez ?adnych wyrzutów ?? #inPepco #BetterMoveBetterLive #challenge #BetterMove #T?ustyCzwartek
Behind every beautiful and trendy product on our shelves and hangers is a team of 30 creative minds ??? Our design team doesn’t just follow trends – they anticipate them. They explore what customers will love, create inspiring mood boards, and carefully select colors, materials, and accessories. Every design starts from scratch to bring the best possible products to life ? The team is a mix of personalities, styles, and passions, all united by a love of beauty, art, and fashion. But make no mistake – this is more than just creativity. It’s about delivering results and making sure stores are filled with designs people will love ????? "Trends change fast, and so do customer preferences. Our job is to stay ahead, mix different perspectives, and turn ideas into products people love to use and wear. It’s a blend of creativity, research, and a bit of gut instinct." says Dagmara Malina - Nawrocka, Quality and Design Director #inPepco #DesignTeam #BehindTheScenes #CreativityAtWork
Every Monday morning, our colleagues in stores kick off their week with the bulletin. But what’s behind this crucial tool that connects all Pepco stores? Let’s take a look! ?? The bulletin isn’t just about showcasing products or arranging displays. It supports the business plan, helps organize tasks, and ensures consistency across all 18 markets - making life in our stores a little easier every day ??? Who’s behind it? A seven-person team of designers from our Visual Merchandising Department (part of the Operations Department): Ma?gorzata Maruszewska, Agata Izak, Anna Gutkowska, Jowita Styczyńska-Jany, Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk, Natalia Kujawska, TOMASZ PAWE? STACHYRA ?? But it’s not just them! The bulletin is a true team effort. After the designers finalize their work, the files are sent to local marketing teams in 18 markets for review and adaptation. This often means preparing up to 18 customized versions! ???? "Creating the bulletin is more than just putting visuals together. It’s about ensuring that every store, regardless of the market, feels supported and has the tools they need to succeed. It’s a challenging process, but seeing the impact in stores makes it all worthwhile." – says Ewa Mazurek, Head of Visual Merchandising The bulletin is a perfect example of how great communication and creativity come together to keep our stores thriving. Huge thanks to everyone involved in bringing this essential tool to life every week! ?? #inPepco #VisualMerchandising #Teamwork #BehindTheScenes
Love has many names. For us, it's a passion for what we do! ?? What we love most is helping our customers decorate and furnish their homes, as well as dress themselves and their loved ones - with products at great prices and top-notch quality ?? That’s why we’re so proud when market research shows the impact we’re making. According to PMR Market Experts, 9 out of 10 Polish consumers already know us. This achievement solidifies our position as the market leader in non-food in Poland ???? ?? "For us, the result of this research is not just a statistic but a confirmation that our work brings results. We’re glad to be such a recognizable brand in Poland, and every day we strive to earn the trust and recognition of our customers in all 18 countries where we operate. Our main value is to love our customer, and this drives everything we do - from the products we offer to the experiences we create." - Kasia Wilczewska, Head of Corporate Communication #pepcustomer #lovethecustomer #teamwork #passion #nonfoodmarket
Communication is the backbone of connection in any organization – and in a company with over 31 000 employees across 18 European countries, it’s both a challenge and an opportunity ?? At Pepco, we believe that effective internal communication keeps our colleagues informed, engaged, and connected, no matter their role or location. From Customer Support Centers to distribution centers and stores, we use a range of tools tailored to diverse teams: ?? company magazine, ?? intranet and knowledge portal, ?? newsletters, ?? town halls, ?? meetings, integration events and volunteering, ?? video podcasts. “Good communication isn’t just about sharing information – it’s about creating a space where everyone feels part of the bigger picture,” says Kasia Wilczewska, Head of Corporate Communication in Pepco. Stay with us in the coming weeks as we showcase how these tools help us build a connected, informed, and inspired team! ??? #InternalCommunication #EmployeeEngagement #GlobalTeam #WorkplaceCulture #inpepco
Wspólnie mo?emy wi?cej! ?? Rozpoczynamy kolejny rok wspó?pracy z Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Si?? | Empowering Children Foundation, która w swoich Centrach Pomocy Dzieciom w Warszawie, Gdańsku i Starogardzie Gdańskim oferuje kompleksowe wsparcie dzieciom do?wiadczaj?cym przemocy oraz ich opiekunom ?? Dzi?ki naszemu wsparciu finansowemu Fundacja realizuje indywidualne i grupowe programy psychologiczno-terapeutyczne dla najm?odszych ???? oraz zapewnia im konsultacje psychiatryczne. Pomoc ?wiadczy interdyscyplinarny zespó? specjalistów: terapeuci, prawnicy, psychiatrzy i pracownicy socjalni, którzy wspólnie opracowuj? najlepsze formy wsparcia, dostosowane do potrzeb ka?dego podopiecznego. ?Wspieranie Fundacji Dajemy Dzieciom Si?? to dla nas nie tylko d?ugoletnie partnerstwo – ale przede wszystkim realna pomoc tym, którzy najbardziej jej potrzebuj?. ?wiadomo??, ?e dzi?ki naszemu wsparciu dzieci odzyskuj? poczucie bezpieczeństwa i nadziej? na dobr? przysz?o??, nam daje ogromn? motywacj? do dzia?ania. Jeste?my dumni, ?e kolejny rok mo?emy mie? w tym swój udzia?” – mówi Kasia Wilczewska, Head of Corporate Communication w Pepco. Razem dajemy si?? do pokonywania trudno?ci i nadziej? na lepsze jutro ?? Fot. Maciej Krüger #pepcocare, #strongersocietyatheart #CSR #OdpowiedzialnyBiznes #PomocPsychologiczna #BezpieczeństwoDzieci
Podczas Rema Days, najwi?kszych targów reklamy i druku w Polsce, odby? si? Green Day ?? – dzień po?wi?cony zrównowa?onemu rozwojowi. Wydarzenie zosta?o zorganizowane przez Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu , które prowadzi Program Partnerstwa, a wspó?organizatorem by?a firma Antalis – podobnie jak my, zaanga?owana w t? inicjatyw?. Jednym z kluczowych punktów programu by? panel dyskusyjny ?Strategie eco w sektorze retail”, moderowany przez Daniel Kiewra Ph.D., g?ównego eksperta ds. klimatu i energii w FOB. Adam Sarbinowski, Sustainability Manager w Pepco, reprezentowa? nasz? firm?, dziel?c si? do?wiadczeniami i perspektyw? na temat wdra?ania zrównowa?onych rozwi?zań. "W Pepco rozumiemy znaczenie odpowiedzialnych praktyk biznesowych. Dlatego opracowali?my now? strategi? zrównowa?onego rozwoju, która stanowi ambitny kierunek na przysz?o??. Nasze dzia?ania opieraj? si? na trzech kluczowych filarach: Planeta, Ludzie i Produkt – ka?dy z nich uwzgl?dnia konkretne, mierzalne cele zgodne z globalnymi standardami.” - podkre?li? Adam podczas panelu. Cieszymy si?, ?e mogli?my by? cz??ci? tej wa?nej inicjatywy i inspirowa? do realnych zmian! ???? #Zrównowa?onyRozwój #GreenDay #ESG #Sustainability #Retail #pepcofulness #pepcocare #strongersocietyatheart #RemaDays2025 #ForumOdpowiedzialnegoBiznesu
Polityk? wynagrodzeń ?atwiej jest stworzy?, czy stosowa? w praktyce? ?? To temat, którym zajmowa? si? nasz ekspert, Marcin Grycz, Interim Compensation and HR Analysis Manager, podczas konferencji ?Wynagrodzenia i benefity 2025” ? W swojej prezentacji ?Polityka wynagrodzeń – ?atwiej stworzy? czy stosowa??” Marcin podzieli? si? swoim do?wiadczeniem w tworzeniu i wdra?aniu efektywnych polityk wynagrodzeń, podkre?laj?c znaczenie ich dostosowania do strategii organizacji oraz roli komunikacji w osi?ganiu sukcesu. ?? Jak zauwa?y?: ?Bez odpowiedniej komunikacji ci??ko spodziewa? si? pozytywnych rezultatów. Dopiero wzajemne zrozumienie wszystkich stron – mened?erów, pracowników i HR – pozwoli osi?gn?? sukces. Mo?na ironizowa?, ?e ?warto rozmawia?” to taki wy?wiechtany slogan, ale jest on niezwykle prawdziwy – na wszystkich p?aszczyznach naszego ?ycia”. Dzi?kujemy Puls Biznesu za stworzenie przestrzeni do wymiany wiedzy i inspiracji! ?? Marcin, dzi?kujemy za wyj?tkowe wyst?pienie i podzielenie si? naszym podej?ciem do budowania nowoczesnych polityk wynagrodzeń. To ?wietny przyk?ad, jak ??czymy analityczne podej?cie z ludzk? perspektyw? ?? #Pepco #Benefity #PolitykaWynagrodzeń #Konferencja
As we all know, the turn of the year is a great time for reflection and summing up ?? One of these reflections comes from our colleague Tomislav Bekavac, Head of Region, who shared insights about Pepco’s presence in the Adria region in an article for Poslovni dnevnik ?? Curious about why we’re opening stores in smaller cities? Or which market in the Adria region leads the way for Pepco in terms of store presence? The article also delves into what makes Pepco stand out in a competitive landscape ??? We encourage you to read the full article (in Croatian) here: ??https://lnkd.in/dbN_9K4y #Pepco #AdriaRegion #Growth #growingourbusiness