I'm a Reactive Mind Circuit Breaker | Mindset and Executive Coach | Speaker | Podcast Host | Meditation Teacher | Creator of The Pause Breathe Reflect Mindset App
During the pandemic, our family was into the show?Shark Tank. As businesses struggled and the world wondered what would become of us, the show gave me hope that new ideas and companies would emerge when the lockdown ended. As a family, we debated which ideas were innovative and where we would invest if we had the Sharks' money.? ? The prevailing lesson for entrepreneurs who secure a deal is, "Never give up on your dream. Don't quit—keep going." It's a message I appreciate. I sign every one of my books with "Keep Pedaling." The ability to persevere, along with one of my favorite quotes—"When the going gets tough, the tough get going"—fueled my recovery, corporate career, and even my bike ride across America. It keeps me fighting for greater equity, inclusion, and a less violent world. As they say, "Winners never quit." ? But do they? Is this true for everything?? ? Maybe winners know what to quit when. Please keep reading The Ripple Effect - it's a long one but I'm asking for support. #PauseBreatheReflect #Leadership #StartUp #Founder #Mindfulness