Community State Bank broke ground on its new headquarters at 2750 N.E. 36th Street in Ankeny, near Costco, in early August. The four-story, 71,000-square-foot building will keep Community State Bank based in Ankeny after it first opened in 1902 as the town’s first bank. PDM provided 2,690 square feet of insulated precast wall panels, 19,391 square feet of solid panels, and 514.5 tons of structural and miscellaneous steel. Stay tuned for completion photos of the monument stair and exterior precast later this fall! The building will feature larger training spaces and amenities like a break room, a workout facility, outdoor space and areas for employees to collaborate. The new building will also have space for the community to use, such as a first floor atrium that could host events. Officials say the new building will be an inviting place for customers as well. General Contractor: Graham Construction a 3G Company Architect: Simonson + Associates Architects, LLC Engineer of Record: Raker Rhodes Engineering, LLC If you’re into behind-the-scenes details and progress updates for this and other PDM projects, check out the hashtag #PDMprojects.